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÷ | Synopsis: Min Yoongi was a rebellious rich kid who needed a fake girlfriend. You were a friend of someone he knew; a girl who just needed the money that he offered.

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You hated school for three reasons.
One; being the hours you wasted learning about stuff that you'll still forget after graduation.
Two; the transportation to get there -you dreaded the two different bus rides immensely.
And three; 40% of people who shared the same classes with you.
Other than that, you were doing well in school. Your grades were as straight as your spine, and social life as great as your reputation.

Only...there really wasn't much to your reputation -other than you practically did anything to get an extra dollar in your hands. And no, not like that.
Research papers, book reports, extra credits, organizing lockers, and sometimes, acting out in certain ways for other people; distract a teacher to get the person who paid you out of a situation or into one. It was all minor and meaningless stuff like that.
You already worked a part-time at the theater and an extra 5-hour shift on the weekend mornings sometimes. But earning extra cash in school never hurt. Especially if it got you through the days with food that wasn't in cans and kept your mother's bills off your plate.

But you never thought a day would come where you'd actually consider getting paid for your female tendencies. Like ever.
But here you were.
Standing in the school parking lot, backpack slung on one shoulder, with the most stupid expression on your face.

The last bell rang thirty-something minutes ago and you were on your way to catch the nearest bus -which wasn't arriving for another half hour, really. But someone stopped you, claiming that they knew a guy you tutored, Park Jimin. And that very someone was a guy you saw twice in school before but never spoken to. You had your guesses to what his identity was, due to the articles and front covers in popular paparazzi magazines -you lived in a small town after all-but that didn't make you understand any more of what he wanted from you.

Which is why when he dropped his little offer, you couldn't believe just what he was asking of you. You were stuck between a wave of shock, offense, and confusion.

"Sorry, what?" You said, a bit appalled.

He sighed, looking annoyed. Milk-blonde hair blowing into his eyes by the wind. "I said-"

"I heard what you said," You glared at him. "I just can't believe you'd actually expect me to agree to it. Now if you excuse me.." You intended to quickly walk away and never make contact with this guy again.

"I'm offering three hundred dollars per day that you spend with me."

Those twelve words were what made your feet halt to a stop despite your right mind telling you to keep moving forward. You looked back at the boy, overall just studying him. He was much taller than you, had light, shaggy hair that brushed over his dark brows. He reeked of polished leather, money, and trouble; it almost made you sick.
Yet, his offer forced you to bear that feeling; It was just what you needed.

"So..?" He said to your lack of a reply, dark eyes half-lidded with disinterest.

"What's your name, again?" You ignored his question, crossing your hands under your chest.

His brows furrowed just slightly as if he didn't believe that you had no clue. "Min Yoongi."


Besides a mention from Jimin, you have in fact heard that name go around your school, but not in a good way. From what you knew, Min Yoongi was nothing but expensive bad news that rebelled against his father's principles; typical rich kid. Strangely enough, that didn't bother you. Really, you just couldn't bring yourself to care enough. Whatever was going on in his life was his problem, and you wouldn't let the headlines of articles affect your opinion of him; a stranger you don't even know.
Misjudgment has been done to you before, so you didn't want to do that to someone else.

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