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/ Namjoon POV /

I pulled up to my house and climbed out of the car. Locking the car, I ran to the front door. After fumbling with my keys for a minute I finally got the door unlocked. I walked in and slipped my shoes off. I lived with my boyfriend, Yoongi. We've been together for a little over 3 years and bought the house a few months ago. Yoongi was off at work. He was always busy so I was always home, alone. I tried searching for jobs but I'd usually get fired for my clumsiness.

As I started to walk up the stairs to head to the bedroom I started to hear noises. As I got closer to my bedroom I could hear the "noises" clearer. They were moans. Yoongi was supposed to be at work, so why was he home? Weird. I smirked at the noises, maybe he was touching himself.
I thought wrong. I walked into the room and saw Yoongi in bed with another man. My smirk faded into a frown, my eyes tearing up.

"Y-Yoongi?" I croaked out, tears streaming down my cheeks. The men stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Yoongi's expression changed. I felt my heart drop. I darted out of the room and down the stairs, putting my shoes on. I opened the door and ran outside to the car and drove away.

I was finally happy. I thought we were happy. I'm not good enough. Tch. Never have been good enough. I should've known. He was the flirtatious type anyway. I didn't even get to change.

/ 3rd person /

Namjoon had no clue where to go. He was too emotional at this point. He was just at his best friend's funeral. Now he comes home to his boyfriend cheating on him. All Namjoon was sure about was that he should get off the road before something happens. He decided to stop at the nearby convenience store.

Getting out of the car and locking it, he headed inside of the small store. Once he entered the store he could feel that unsettling feeling. All you could hear was a flicker of the "open" sign that hung in the window and the music that played quietly. Namjoon sighed and went to the back of the store and looked for a drink. He decided to grab a monster and crack it open, taking a sip before he even bought the drink. He went to go turn around when he bumped into someone, causing them to drop the items they held. "Ah i-i'm sorry!...I wasnt p-paying attention.." Namjoon watched as they got down and picked up what they had dropped. Cans of chicken noodle soup and a few Gatorades. Once Namjoon could focus on the person he bumped into he noticed it was Jungkook. "What a small world." Namjoon held his hand out as Jungkook looked up at him. Jungkook flustered from what happend took his hand and stood up. "Oh h-hello again.." Jungkook smiled. "Sorry for bumping into you. Also...uh thank you for the ride." Namjoon chuckled quietly. "As I said before, its fine. No problem." Jungkook's face went from happy to worried in a matter of seconds. "h-have you been crying?..." Namjoon cleared his throat and looked away. "Nah...its just allergies..anyway, is someone sick?" Namjoon gestured to the contents Jungkook was holding. "Ah my friend, the one I'm staying with is. I decided to go out and get him some stuff." Jungkook's phone went off and he dug into his pocket and answered it. "Hello?..."

Namjoon looked at the others features. Namjoon's never seen someone but adorable. How could one be hot and adorable at once? After a few minutes of Jungkook being on the phone and Namjoon admiring the other, jungkook hung up and looked at Namjoon. immediately blushing he looked away. "uhm N-Namjoon? C-Can I ask how old you are?.." Namjoon was pulled away from his trance and bit his lip. "Oh uhm i'm twenty-three...what about you?" Jungkook smiled a bit. "Ah i'm twenty. Is it okay if I call you h-hyung?"
Namjoon nodded in response. "Uhm i have to go..see you around, hyung.." Jungkook went to the cash register and payed for his things and left. Leaving Namjoon alone. Seeing Jungkook made Namjoon forget everything that just happened. The thoughts he had before flowed into his head. He started to tear up. He went down to the hardware aisle and looked at a box of single edged razors. Hesitantly grabbing them he went to the cashier and placed them on the counter. The cashier looked at him oddly and Namjoon quickly came up with an excuse saying, "My box opener needed refills, all the razors are rusted.." the cashier nodded and rung up the item.

Namjoon walked out of the store and back to his car. He didnt know what to do. He couldn't believe yoongi would cheat on him.

Am I not good enough?

Do I not show him how much I love him?

All these thoughts went through his head. He opened the box of single edged razors and took one out. He rolled up his sleeve and started to cry. That cry turned into a sob. He placed the razor to his skin, leaving marks all over his arm.


Jungkook carried the bag with the Gatorade and cans of chicken noodle sip in one hand and his clear umbrella in the other. He's always wanted a clear umbrella, at the moment he's borrowing this umbrella but he wishes to have one.

He arrived at the house Namjoon had dropped him off at before and rung the door bell. After a few seconds the lock on the door clicked and then came the opening of the door. There stood a sick Taehyung in a hoodie and sweatpants.
"Ah you went and got the stuff anyway.." Jungkook walked inside and set the umbrella against the wall and took his shoes off, "well hyung..i dont want you to be sick anymore." Jungkook looked up at Taehyung and Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge putting the Gatorades in. He then set the cans of soup on the counter and threw away the bag. Taehyung sat on the couch, watching tv. Jungkook went to the living room and sat next to Taehyung. "I got you Gatorade and chicken noodle soup." Jungkook looked at Taehyung. Taehyung nodded and coughed "Ah thank you. So..anything interesting happen? Meet anyone?" Jungkook nodded and played with his fingers "Yeah..I ran into this guy, Kim Namjoon. Apparently he lives down the street from here. He's the guy that gave me a ride here." Taehyung leaned back in his seat "Oh Namjoon, i havent talked to him since highschool. I wonder how he is.."
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair "he seemed like he was crying when i saw him but eh.."

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