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a / n - last chapter was rough--- this chapter will be better I promise-
cough- but like, so cliché-----




Namjoon woke up in a panic. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, finally realizing he was laying in a hospital bed. Next to him was the brown haired boy, sitting in the chair next to the bed, head propped up on his hand as he snored softly. He smiled to himself and looked at the tv that played in the room, seeing that it was two in the morning, he sighed. He saw that the boy that had defended him against his abusive boyfriend had a bruise on his knuckles, assuming that it was from punching the jerk in the face. 

Jungkook's phone was buzzing a bunch which caused him to shuffle around a bit. Namjoon had picked up his phone and looked at who was texting him, "I'm sorry kook, please come back home" "I'm worried, where are you?" "It won't happen again just please come home."Namjoon would reply but he doesn't know the password to Jungkook's phone. Luckily Taehyung called and Namjoon picked up.

"Hello? Jungkook? I'm really really sorry, please come home." "Hey Taehyung it's Namjoon. Jungkook is actually currently asleep. A situation came up and I guess he took me to the hospital so yeah." "Oh, That's good! Well it's not good that you're in the hospital but you get what I mean heh. Well is he okay?" "Yeah, he's fine. Well it is pretty late. Now you know he's fine so go sleep. Good Night." "Alright B-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before Namjoon hung up. He still wasn't over the fact Tae had kissed Jungkook, and on top of it he didn't even about him.

Jungkook moved around a bit more and eventually slowly started to wake up. He sat there and looked at Namjoon for a few seconds before he gasped, almost falling out of his seat, "Y-You're awake! H-How are y-you feeling?!" Jungkook started to tear up a bit, Namjoon chuckled and patted the youngers head. "Don't cry! Why are you crying? And I feel fine, just a bit sore. Also Tae called but I told him you were here and okay." Jungkook rubbed his eyes and whined a bit, "I'm happy y-you're okay you silly! You could've d-died you know.. Also okay, at least he knows where i am."

Jungkook patted Namjoon's hand then winced a bit. "Let me see." Jungkook looked up at Namjoon and held his hand out, "It hurts" Jungkook frowned and watcher Namjoon gently take his bruised hand into his own. Namjoon's slender fingers grazing the top of the bruised area, "Ow-" "Sorry- You should get this checked out. You might've broken your hand." He softly pressed his lips against Jungkook's hand and pulled away smiling. "A kiss to make it all better~" Namjoon cooed and eye smiled, Jungkook blusher at Namjoon's actions and giggled quietly. "Oh hush, and I'll see about it getting seen."

Namjoon stared at Jungkook's hand and wondered what it would feel like in his own. Thoughts of him and Jungkook holding hands at various places popped into his head. He then quickly shook his head, he had a boyfriend he loved so why would he imagine these things? "So what happened to Yoongi?" "I dont know.. That woman Yoongi was with came outside not too long after i knocked him out and had called the 911. I originally was going to be sent to jail until I explained what happened, they believed me because of this." Jungkook lifted his bruised hand up in the air. "But i'm pretty sure he's here some where. They put you and him into ambulances, i came with you and now where here." Jungkook smiled slightly, "I'm just glad you're okay."

A nurse walked into the room and smiled brightly, "Oh! You're awake! Good! How do you feel?" The nurse came over to Namjoon and patted his arm. "I'm feeling alright, just a bit sore" The nurse took Namjoon's vitals and looked at Namjoon's arm, she frowned for a few seconds. He was confused until he noticed what she was looking at, the cuts. He quickly turned his arm over and she smiled again, "Good! You're lucky you don't have a broken rib. You were really close to having a broken rib, you're just badly bruised. Well let you be. Take care of yourself okay?" "Alrighty, oh and miss? Can i have some ice for his hand?" Jungkook looked at the nurse and smiled nervously. "Of course!" The nurse walked out if the room, closing the door a bit too loud.

"You didn't have to-" "Well i did." Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully. They both sat in silence for a few minutes until Jungkook spoke up, "Uhm.. I have a question.. I-It's a bit personal but I'm just worried.." Namjoon played with a string hanging off the blanket that was over him. "What is it?" "Y-Your arm.. i-it's not healthy.." Namjoon sighed and rubbed his arm a bit, "I know but.." "It's better to talk about it.. I-I've been there before. If you ever need anything, please t-talk to me.." Jungkook grabbed Namjoon's hand and threaded his fingers with his, even though it pained him to do so, he didn't care. "I'm here for you. Yeah we haven't known each other long b-but i hope to be really good friends one day.. You're different from everyone, I l-like you a lot." Jungkook smiled and rubbed his thumb on Namjoon's hand. "Okay.. Thank you.." Namjoon looked down at their hands as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. Jungkook giggled quietly, ignoring the pain.

The nurse swung the door open to the point it hit the wall with a loud thud. "Oh! Sorry!" the nurse looked at the two of them and smiled, "Adorable! Oh wait am i interrupting something?" Jungkook pulled his hand away and winced a bit, Namjoon frowning. "No not at all! He has a boyfriend too so." The nurse came over and gave Jungkook his ice, "Thats sad, you guys look cute together. My bad but its true" The nurse smiled and looked over at Namjoon, "Have a good day you two." Namjoon nodded and she left the room. The two of them laughed a bit and then sighed, they both stared at each other for a few seconds before Jungkook cleared his throat and looked away smiling a bit with a blush plastered to his face. "Cute.." Namjoon mumbled and continued to look at the boy. Why was he so adorable? Why is he so sweet? "D-Do you think- Nevermind." Jungkook stood up and started to stretch. "What the nurse said was true?" Namjoon chuckled and watched the youner. "Y-Yeah.." "Well it's up to you to decide that." Namjoon smiled and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Mm.." Jungkook looked at the TV and then back at Namjoon who was looking at him. They both stared at each other once again. "Its pretty late, You should go home and rest up." Jungkook nodded and grabbed his phone, sliding it into his pocket. "Mm okay, Make sure you call me though. I want to know how you're doing." Jungkook moved closer to Namjoon and kissed his forehead. "Get better soon." "Thank you for everything, I owe you one. I think after i get out of this hospital I'll take you out to wherever you want." "Nono! You dont have to, it's fine!" "Well I will." "Mmf you're too nice.. Anyway, please get some rest as well. I'll see you tomorrow." Namjoon hummed and patted Jungkook's arm, "Alright. Same to you too bud." Jungkook smiled and walked to the door, "Bye.." "Bye bye" He opened up the door and walked out into the hall, disappearing out of sight.

a / n - shorter than usual but hh

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