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[Awen talks to all of her friends with sighn landuage but I'm just going to right it like she is speaking but put them in ' instead of "] 

"Awen...Awen...wake up my little angel." wispered Mandy, Awen's mum, "goodmorning!" awen opened her eyes and smiled at her. Awen had the most beautiful green eyes qnd firy red hair. "Time to go downstairs and get some breakfast. "her voice is soft and sweet. whenever she spoke it would make Awen feel safe and sucure. Awen got out of bed and went downstairs to have some breakfast; eggs and bacon, her favourite. Time for school. School was a very confuzing and challenging time for most people, let alone someone who has to have an interprater in the class to let everyone know what she's saying. Awen took the self driving uber to school [self driving cars are mainstreem]. She liked the car, she liked being alone and not being the center of attention like normal. It was quiet. Calm. Peicful. "You have arived at your destination" said the car in one of those 'I am not a real person' voice. She grabbed her bag and got out of the car and immidiatly she saw her best friend Mazy. Mazy is a very loud and bouncy person, she has light brown hair and freckles across the bridge of her nose; her eyes were a glistening blue-green and her smile could light up the darkest of moods. 'Hey Mazy' said Awen

"Hey Awen, how ya doin'?" she asked

'I'm okay, but I'm dreading the english test we have' 

"Oh, I studied all last night, it was really annoying because I didn't get to go on my computer until it was too late and I had o go to bed"

'Oh, I finnished my homework yesterday after my coding lesson'

"Man I wish I was as smart as you. What year level are you at in maths now?"

"I'm doing year ten level and you know that, don't play dumb.' 

Mazy and Awen laughed into the old grey classroom. It was a very boring place, and making it exiting was almost impossible, so every day all of the students came into the classroom and almost fell asleep trying to learn something. This morning as the girls tumbled into the class room they were expecting to see the familiar sight of Mrs. Aching and elderly woman, kind and in the right place but not the most spritely of people, but instead they saw a younger, more stern face. The woman in question was standing facing them with her arms crossed and her foot tapping. "Girls! You should not be floundering about like drunken pelicans, you are ladys, you should act like them!" she said it in a voice that is almost yelling but not quite. '...' neither of them were expecting this reaction to them having fun and had no idea what to do. "Are you going to say something?" the stern woman inquired. Awen put her hand up to her neck 'No, I can't speak' she said in sign language. The woman was not happy with Awen, she didn't understand what she was saying and most small minded people like she seemed to be are either enraged or scared of the things that they don't understand, so she told her to come with her outside where they could 'descuss her behavier' together. Already awen didn't like this woman. It wasn't very nice to be standing out in a hallway with the person that had just yelled at her for being happy, and that seemed to have no idea that she couldn't speak. The stern woman leaned in towards her and wispered in her ear, "It's okay, I know you can't speak." Awen was shocked, clearly her emotion was being shown on her face because the stern woman gave her a reasuring smile and nodded. Alone like this she seemed to be much more kind and less stern as she was in the classroom. 'Do you know what I'm saying?' Awen asked

"Yes." the woman answered, "I'm sorry, where are my manners, my name is Olivia Prout and I know your name already."

'Oh thank god! Sorry, I thought I was going to come out here and be lecsured to 'answer the teacher' and when all I did was try to make you understand the sign language I was saying, you would just send me off to the office like all the other subs' Awen was releived to say

"Why that's horrid, I know I may have snapped a bit out there but that's only so I can get all of the students to stay inline, if I don't no one takes me seriously." Mrs. prout explained

'I don't think that's the right way to get people's attention, but I know where you're coming from.'

"Good. Now that we've got everything in order, let's go inside."

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