2 ~ Puzzle Pieces

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Marc sat in his usual quiet space under the stairs. He didn't like loud noises and large crowds. He preferred to keep to himself. It was where he was comfortable. His own little world.

He flicked through pictures on his camera roll, constantly going back to an artist on the school website. His drawings of superheroes were amazing, especially his mightyllistrator.

Marc enjoyed bouncing inspiration off the artwork, writing his own little fan fiction to it.

He smiled, scribbling ideas onto the page, how to incorporate elements of surprise and fun over a bendy, yet serious plot line.

As he wrote his ideas quickly down, hoping that later if he ever had writers block, he could refer to these notes, his arm accidentally brushed over the screen, switching to a picture of him and Marinette.

He'd met Marinette 2 years ago. She took him in under her wing, as she too was shy and clumsy. She also understood his need to be alone, respecting his choice and letting him do as he please after he'd settled in.

Marinette was the only friend he had at the school. And besides from his Mum, his only friend. But he preferred it that way. He never was much of a socializer. He was always awkward around people. He was honestly scared of judgement. If no one knew he existed, then what was there to make fun of?

From above him, her heard thundering down the stairs. Instinctively, he slammed his book shut and pulled it to his chest. He turned his head up, met with a face full of dust and cute pink shoes. The girl stopped, hovering on a lower step, trying not to intervene with the fencing class bellow.

"Hey Marc!" She said enthusiastically. Marc tightened his hold on his book, pulling it closer to his chest.

"H-hey Marinette. What's got you in such a hurry?"

Marinette looked down at the black writing journal, tightly gripped to his chest. "Are you ever going to let me read that?" She asked, smiling.

Marc blushed slightly, he didn't think it was that good, so no one would probably read it.

"Anyways. I came down here to ask if you'd like to meet someone! He's an artist, and is low on inspiration. He's been wanting to make a comic book but can't think of a storyline. I thought you could help, you know, coz you're such an amazing writer." Marinette chuckled.

Marc blushed once more, subconsciously pulling his journal closer and tighter to his chest. "But you've never even read it!"

"But I can tell it's good!" Marinette smiled warmly. It was the kind of smile that could turn the meanest person on their head.

Marc nodded, gathering his book and his bag, before following Marinette up the dusty stairs to the Art block.

Marc nodded, gathering his book and his bag, before following Marinette up the dusty stairs to the Art block

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Nathaniel watched his pencil roll up and down the desk. He shifted his eyes to the door, watching an over enthusiastic person run in. Marinette flashed him a quick smile, one that months ago would've made his heart melt, as she walked up to the teacher.

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