butterflies - h

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*contains mention of self harm*
you were standing in front of the full length mirror which was in yours and your boyfriend of 3 years' room. your own eyes scanning over the body you hated ever so much. poking at your stomach, pulling at your thighs, picking at your scars. why aren't i perf-
your thoughts being cut off by a soft "babe, i'm home" from the curly headed boy you adored very much.
"i'm up here" you replied quietly. running as fast as you could to find the clothes you were previously wearing. a long jumper and shorts
"babe, what on earth are you doing wearing a sweater in this heat?" he questioned you. you shrugged your shoulders and pulled your shorts down a little, just so the newest cuts weren't visible to him.
"babe. is there something wrong?" asking as he noticed your tear stained cheeks.
"no. i'm fine" you weakly smiled, completely contrasting to what you had just said.
"no you're not, tell me whats wrong" he had obviously sensed the sadness bubbling through the smile.
"i said i'm fine" you stated more confidently this time.
"tell me what's wrong" his stern stare beginning to frighten you. you shook your head and his breath puffed out as an angry sigh.
"TELL ME WHATS WRONG" his voice boomed through the bedroom as the tears that were stinging your eyes rolled down your red cheeks. you quickly shoved past him to get to the bathroom but he was quick to grasp your wrist, you winced as his hard grip pressed over the fresh cuts you'd placed there only a half hour ago. "w-what? did i hurt you? let me see?" your eyes widened in panic and your heart beat quickened as you attempted to yank your arm out of his hand, causing him to tighten his grip. you whimpered in pain this time. he pulled you into him. hugging you close to his beating heart. "h-harr-y" you whispered.
"shhhh, baby i've got you" he cooed softly.
he picked you up and sat down on the bed, placing you on his lap. he started to roll your sleeve up, causing you to whimper in protest. "shhh, it's okay" he shushed you and continued to roll the sleeve of your burgundy coloured sweater up, revealing your blood stained wrists. his eyes were full of tears that threatened to fall out. "b-babe?" he shakily whispered, shaking his head softly whilst lifting your wrist to place soft butterfly kisses to each and every new and old scar. "wh-why?" he asked, struggling with his tears now and decided to let them go. your head tilted down to the ground. you felt a soft yet calloused finger lift your chin up, your watery eyes met his green ones. "babe. please" he stopped. placing a soft kiss to your lips, then your cheek, down your jaw and neck. the soft kisses reminded you of butterflies dancing across your skin. harry's large hand placed on your hip, lightly squeezing "perfect" he mumbled against the skin of your neck. "you're perfect, babe, you are perfect. and you don't need to change a thing about yourself, i love you, my angel"

i love you 🍯

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