stretch marks -li

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i was always scared to do anything remotely close to sex, i was frightened of what people would think of my large thighs, round stomach and huge hips.

liam and i were watching movies, although i knew his eyes were not on the screen, they were on me. he'd ask me time and time again if i were ready for it, i'd shake my head and pretend he never asked. he always understood, until now, he was getting frustrated with me because he wanted me, but i didn't feel like doing it, but he'd never force it.

"baby, can we talk, please?" he almost begged, "hmm? what's wrong" i casually asked, even though i knew what he was going to say. "can we.. uh please, ugh. i'm sorry." he tried stammering out, he was shaking his head frantically. "talk to me, what's wrong li?" i started to worry about it now. he placed his hand on my knee and gave it a light squeeze before moving it upwards. "pl-please?" he begged, almost inaudibly. "l-li you know-" i couldn't talk. "i know, baby, i know. b-but could i at least make you feel good?" he asked me, still whining a bit, "l-liam i-i can't" i whimpered as his hand travelled up my thigh. "shhh, it's okay, i've got you" he reassured me, his voice sure did have a calming effect but i still couldn't ignore the fact that he'a going to hate my body just as much as i do. "l-liam, s-stop" i begged, i didn't want him to see them. "what are you hiding from me?"  i couldn't tell him. not at all. he can't see them, he can't. "baby, please, what's wrong? why have you been worried about this? please" he begged and begged me. his hand worked up to the hem of my sweater, pulling it up slightly. my eyes stung with tears that threatened to fall. "hey, hey it's okay, shhh, i've got you [Y/N], you're okay" he cooed gently, wanting to calm me down.

he'd seen them.

[Liam's POV]
she was still panicking by the time i'd rolled her sweater over her hips, i moved it up further and grazed my fingers over the beautiful fading marks on her hips, some were still not faded, and still green or purple. she's gorgeous. "b-baby, is this what you were hiding?" she nodded. tears flowing out of her puffy eyes.
"you're so beautiful." not once did i hesitate when i ever said that to her, she didn't have to believe me, but i believed it, she is beautiful. "l-liam, p-please, stop it" she kept begging and begging. so i stopped, rolled her sweater back down. and crawled back up to hover over her. i kissed her gently, then hugged her into my body. soon enough she'd stopped crying and was asleep in my arms.
wow this is... bad.

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