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Michael stood at the doorway, his green eyes piercing through my soul.

A redhead lay next to me, still sleeping.

Michael woke her up and kicked her out, but in a sort of polite way, if that's possible.

She was fully clothed so all she had to find were her shoes, which Michael had to help find or else she would never leave.

"I can't believe you Ashton! I mean I don't care if you got drunk but you can't cheat on Emma?!"

"Oh god, would you stop shouting? My head hurts like hell."

"Did you do anything with that redhead...besides making out with her?"

"I-I don't remember a lot besides making out with her."

I do remember making out with some girl though. I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing.

"Wait...did you take anything, besides drinking a bunch of alcohol."

"Well the girl gave me this little green circular thingy."

His eyes widened I didn't know why.

"You took ecstasy you dumbass!"

I bit my nails and turned away from him until I felt him leave.

As long as Emma doesn't know, there shouldn't be a problem.

The guilt was eating me up inside but I couldn't bring myself to tell Emma. She deserves someone better than me, I was a terrible boyfriend.

The boys were all talking but they stopped when I walked in the kitchen.

They all looked angry and Luke didn't even look at me.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and left the kitchen to sit on the sofa, I wasn't ready to go back to the hotel room and face Emma.

Luke's POV

"We should tell Emma." I said.

"I think, we should let Ashton tell her. She should hear it from him, not us." Calum replied.

Are the really dumb enough to think Ashton is going to tell Emma?

"Ashton won't tell her! She deserves to know."

"Luke, don't get in the middle of this. We aren't telling her." Michael before they both left me alone in the kitchen.

I don't want to risk my friendship with Ashton, but I can't just sit and watch him lie to Emma.

When I first found out they were dating, I thought Emma would be the problem. It's really Ashton who's the problem in their relationship.

I walked out of the kitchen and headed towards Ashton.

"Are you going to tell her or not?" I asked, standing in front of him.

"I honestly don't know, I probably won't. I don't want to upset her."

"You have to tell her! If you don't, I swear I'll tell her myself."

He stood up from the sofa and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Haven't you ever heard of the rule "Bros before ho--"

"You weren't honestly going to say that right now, you must still have alcohol in your system."

"You're one of my best friends, you can't tell her." He replied.

Calum and Michael were watching us now and I didn't care if they didn't want to tell Emma. They didn't have to, I would.

"Watch me."

I walked straight to the door and felt Ashton's footsteps behind me.

As I came closer to the door Michael and Calum blocked it.

"Move." I said.

"No. Emma isn't your girlfriend, either Ashton tells her or no one does." Calum replied.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and Ashton pushed me against a wall and away from the door.

Michael got in between us and pushed us away from each other.

"Ashton, calm down. We'll make sure Luke doesn't tell Emma." Michael said, reassuring Ashton.

Ashton exited the hotel room going who know where but I know he certainly didn't go to Emma.

"Luke, we both care about Emma too, but we don't want to ruin our friendship with Ashton. He's not only our bandmate but our best friend. Let him deal with this."

"Fine." I mumbled.

"How exactly am I supposed to go to my room if you two won't let me out of here."

"You can stay here today. We leave tonight anyways."

"But all my stuff is over there."

"Ashton or Emma will get it."


I went to sit on the sofa and went on twitter.

Someone came over to dye Michaels hair.

Once she finished, his hair was purple.

I decided to text Emma. I wouldn't text her what happened last night but I might be able to get her to meet me somewhere.

Luke: Hey Emma! Is Ashton there?

Emma: No, I thought he was with you?

Luke: Oh, he's probably around here somewhere. Anyways I need to talk to you. Can you meet me by the hotel pool in fifteen minutes?

Emma: Sure, see you soon.


A/N - I hope you like this chapter and there probably won't be a trailer bc I don't really know how to make a good one so sorry if you wanted one .

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