Poke-war part 3/Memories!

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Serena: Everything ia setup for you to go into Arceus mind

Red: Shouldn't we test it

Serena: Please, day and night I work on this...

Red: Just test it please

Serena: Fine...Put the mind gear on your head and we will test it

Red puts the mind gear on his head and lays down

Red: When does it starr

Serena: Just let me put my on and a Alakazam will use Psychic terrain to connect me into your mind

Red: Fine...

Diamond: Good luck

Sun and moon: Good luck!!

Alakazam uses Psychic terrain to connect Serena into Red's mind...

Serena wakes up in a Psychic terrain looking at Red's memories

Serena: Wow, he has alot of memories of mt. Sliver

Serena looks at one with blue and red as kids

Red: Hey..blue what you doing

Blue: Getting money to go the market

Red: Can I come

Blue: Sure

Serena: Wow, Red is not really happy nowadays...

Red and blue go to the store only to see a couple of bullys messing with a girl there age


Bully: Oh look its the couple, HAHAHA

Blue: Shut up...scott

Bully: Are those fighting words?!

The bully punches Blue and The other bullys beat down on Red

Red: STOP!!!

Red punches one of the bullys and runs to blue to stop the big bully

Red than, jumps on the big bullys back and Punches him

Officer: HEY!!!!

Red and blue take off with the girl and the bullys run off too

Red: I think we lost them...

Blue: Hey, what's your name

Girl: Green

Red: Oh...cool

Blue: Look, Red, blue and green...Ha

Green: Thinks for saving me

Red: No, problem

Serena: Wow, Red was a cutie when he was a kid...Lets look at a Mt. Sliver memory

Serena looks at mt. Sliver memory


Serena: Oh, forgot he didn't talk...oh, right I am done

Alakazam stops psychic terrain and red and Serena wake up

Red: What happen

Serena: I saw you when you as a kid and in st. Silver


Serena: Yeah...

Sun: Guys, Arceus blast is getting bigger by the minute

Red: No, time to play I am ready to Fight hoopa

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