Red vs Arceus/Hoopa!

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"The end is near, the story of this tournament has come to a almost conclusion of a an epic finale"

Serena: It is time...Red

Red: How are we going to get to Arceus to connect me to his mind?

Diamond: Well, we got Solegeo, a Alakazam... and your charizard that we had knock out

Sun: We just got this trust us

Red: I do and I always have...You guys became my family, for that I love you all

Red, Diamond, Sun and Serena hug like a family

Moon: Guys, Arceus/Hoopa's blast has reach its limit...ITS HEADING DOWN!!

Red: No, time to waste...LETS GO!!!

Red, Diamond, and sun head to Arceus up in the sky with Charizard's help

Red: HOOPA!!!

Arceus: Its the loser the loser squad...I thought I kill you, Diamond

Diamond: Can't kill what you don't understand

Arceus: Really...A quote right now...HAHAHA, Alola is about to get destroy and your saying a quote, HAHAHA

Sun: Shut up, Alola will not get destroy

Arceus: Your just a child...playing hero with Losers


Charizard uses flamethrower and Arceus uses protect

Arceus: I am beyond a normal pokemon

Red: Show us, HOOPA!!!

Charizard flys away from Arceus and Arceus chases Charizard using extreme speed...

Sun: Hoopa's is on are tail

Charizard then cuts through  destroyed buildings in Alola and Arceus is Rushing into Buildings...Unaffected

Diamond: FLY UP!!!!

Charizard flys up then, Alakazam uses Psychic on Arceus...knocking Arceus to the street

Red: Wow, You had Alakazam get on a building and wait for us to come with Hoopa


Charizard lands on the  street where Arceus is at knock out

Red puts on the mind gear and Serena puts mind gear on Arceus/Hoopa

Serena: Remember Red, We love you like family

Red: Me too...

Alakazam uses psychic terrain to Put Red in Arceus/Hoop's mind

Red than enters in Arceus mind to meet Hoopa

Red: Where am I?

Hoopa: Your in the mind of Arceus and YOUR RUINING MY PLANS!!!

Hoopa then Grabs Red and throws him

Red: You will not proceed with your plan

Hoopa: I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!

Hoopa punches Red and Throws him up in the air

Red:(Wait, can't I make up anything) Charizard I choose you

Then a charizard appears in smoke...


Red: Use Fire Blast!

Charizard uses Fire blast and then Hoopa uses Hyperspace hole and Punches charizard but, the fire blast does hit Hoopa and knocks it back

Hoopa: I will take your body and KILL EVERY ONE YOU LOVE!!!

Red: Go, ahead...

Hoopa: YOUR LOST!!!

Hoopa then hops into Reds mind and Takes over

In real life, Serena and the others watch Red get up

Serena: Red?

Red: Not Red...HOOPA

Diamond: How?!

Hoopa: Idiot, gave up his body...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Hoopa/Red's body then falls to the floor

Sun: What just happen???

Serena: Hoopa is in Red's mind and Red is taking over

*In Red's mind*

Hoopa: What is happening to ME!!!!

Red: This is the power of me...


Red: You hurt everyone's life in some way, you have kill...

Hoopa: REEEEDDDDD!!!!!!!!!

Red: NO! You need to suffer for what you did to us...

Hoopa starts to disappear, And gets erase from existence

Red than, wakes up with Serena, Diamond, Sun and Moon looking at him with tears of joy

Red: Guys, your tears are getting on me...

Everyone Hugs Red for stopping Hoopa once and for all than...All the pokemon are not being mind control anymore

But, the blast is still heading for Alola

Red: What do we do....

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