Closed until further notice

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So uhhh I think I'm gonna discontinue this for now. I have my reasons
I never really had anything in the way of plot just an idea and a bunch of hilarious dialogue that I had no idea how to get to
My idea was people die and no one wins make bad guy not one to be hated and he to loses to make things different and interesting but never was very good
Im just generally a very unmotivated person so I'm just gonna leave this here, Hate it anyway... I'll try and finish my other story but I don't have anywhere to go with that either and I don't believe I have ever actually finished a story or been satisfied by what I try and write
Whatever it doesn't matter
Maybe one day I'll try again who knows but for now this story is closed

Thanks for the understanding I guess?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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