Ordinary People

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*AGE CHANGE FROM 12 to 14 IN LITTLE SISTER; TURNED 15 IN Disturbing Behavior*

Emma stood on her toes, peeping through the bars of the metal door. She was on Stefan duty while Elena went with Alaric and Damon to check out the markings on the cave wall.

After giving Alaric some time to study them, he said that the markings were pictures, drawn to tell the story of werewolves and vampires. There were names written in viking dialect on the walls, four of which they recognized to be Niklaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Mikael. Courtesy of Damon, he explained to Emma that Mikael was their father and the original vampire vampire hunter (yes vampire vampire). Emma had remembered the conversation she had with Elijah explaining how Mikael hated Klaus with a passion because he wasn't really his son. And because he was an abomination, Mikael made it his life's mission to end Klaus' life.

Damon had also explained that Katherine was in charge of waking up Mikael, who was chained in some cemetery, but she was unsuccessful. He hadn't heard anything from her.

Stefan groaned, shifting in the chair he was chained to, but didn't wake up. She continued to watch him from behind the door. Unbeknownst to her at the time, when she left with Damon and Mason in search for the weapon to kill Klaus, Elena and Lexi had teamed up to try to get Stefan to flip on his humanity by locking him up in the secret vampire cell underneath the city jail where Caroline's father had tortured her. Lexi said that the only way to bring Stefan back was to deprive him of blood and make him feel emotions. So far, there has been little progress.

"You know, watching people is a little creepy." Stefan commented, his head still hanging down.

Emma set her mouth in a hard line, unlocking the door and entering the cell. "I don't have a choice. I need to watch you."

Stefan chuckled, lifting his head up, giving her a full view of his pale and sweaty face. "You don't have to. You could, I don't know, let me go and you can go do whatever teenage vampires do."

"Elena said you'd try to anything to get out." she said, sitting on the ground in front of him. "Too bad nothing you say will convince me to break the chains."

The Salvatore tugged at them. "Don't you ever do anything on your own? You're what some people call a pushover."


"Yeah. Whatever big sister says has to happen, baby Gilbert agrees."

Emma shook her head, resting her head on her fist. "Wow. You go straight for the jugular."

"And just because you're a vampire now, doesn't mean you're invincible. Your newly found confidence won't protect you when I could easily rip your heart out in a second." Stefan swallowed, leaning forward the best he could. "You're pathetic. Useless. A waste of space."

"At least I'm not the one tied to a chair." she said, smirking. She pulled out her phone, checking the time. It was only ten in the morning. She set it down next to her. "You could make this go a lot faster if you'd just flip your switch back on."

Stefan smiled back, obviously fake. "If you knew how freeing it is not to feel, you'd never flip it back."

"Having emotions is normal, Stefan. It's what keeps us human."

"That's the thing, you and I, we're not human."

Emma looked into his eyes, trying to at least find some evidence of the old Stefan she remembered. Nothing was there. His eyes were just blank. Her phone vibrated, Damon's number flashing on the screen.

She pressed answer. "Are you guys almost done?"

"Don't worry, pipsqueak. It's my shift soon. How's my little bro?"

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