Paranoid? no, Dave.

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John's POV

I walked out of the building... tears still streamed down my face at leaving my best friend. Hell I didn't even get to see Karkat for more than a minute. I walked for about an hour and getting more anxious by the minute, I kept thinking I heard noise in ally ways,  bushes, etc. I stopped and looked around... nothing. I took a candy bar from my pocket, Dave gave it to me before I left. I ate it as I walked. thinking about my best friend as I went. I was really gonna miss him. I stopped when it started getting dark. I quickly set up my tent and grabbed my flashlight. I fell asleep for about an hour before a loud clash woke me up. I sat up and grabbed the flashlight. opening the flap, I saw Dave looking very awkward for once, he was standing next to a toppled trashcan. "What are you doing here?" I asked a little surprised. "I... uh I came to make sure you made it through town.... don't get angry." I was still angry. "You don't think I can make it through town myself!? Because I can!" I shouted. "I know but I just wanted to make sure!" He said. "Well you didn't have too! I'm fi-" A peircing pain went up my shoulder. "John!" I heard Dave scream and take out his sword. I looked at my heavily bleeding shhoulder... I'd been shot. I started to get dizzy again but not before watching Dave beat the shit out of a person to protect me.... wow.... And then I was out.

I'm not a hero. ( johndave ) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now