Getting to know the fangirls.

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Dave's POV

You walk up to (kay no I can't write in like what is this first person? no I... no.) I walked up to the girl who helped make the cake. Deshka. "Oh hello there Dave...." She says chugging a bottle of what was probably cold faygo. after all it was December from what the calender said (I don't fuckin care what month Dave actually has his birthday the other was a special chapter bcuz it was my birthday now READ.) "Hello Deshka, so how are you liking life here?" I asked looking over at the giant cake. "I love, Karkat somewhat nice, if you read insults right. Gamzee awsome, Terezi not get up but she usually tired so I leave her, Tavros showed kitchen so I owe graditude, and nepeta is helpful in learning fight skills." She says while I sit looking confused. "Wait... Gamzee? Awsome? Even with his weird clown religion shit?" I asked. "Uh... yeah, I'm universalist so to me religion not matter but for the record I really not know if it's a religion more like subculture maybe? I not know. And he is pretty cute when rambles about miracles, I think it's great he can find miracles in bad world." She said smiling. I nodded, I never actually thought of it that way. I said bye and went to talk to Peanut. "Dave!" She screamed and threw John at me. We fell John on top of me. We stood up blushing like idiots. "Ah, hello... Peanut. uhm. What's up?" I asked. "The sky." She said all poker faced. "No. just no. How are you?" I asked again. "Healthy." She answered yet again. "Dammit, WHAT HAS LIFE GIVEN YOU!?" I was actually kinda starting to get pissed. "Well I like my room, and I can hang with Sollux at any given time so life has beared me delicious fruit." I stared mouth gaping at her.  "Sollux... wants to hang with you?" I asked. "Yes, we are both pretty good at reprogramming the battery powered games so we are working on making a solar powered game console, I'm building it while he programs it and the games." She said smiling. I nodded. "Cool. see ya later." I said walking to Twinsy. "Hi Twinsy, you're not gonna shove John on me are you?" I asked taking a sip of my juice, aw apple. "What? No. at least not now. Anyways I assume you're here to ask about my life?" She asked. "Uh... Yeah." She's scarier than Jade sometimes. "Well, pretty good. I enjoy writing fan fiction with Eridan and roleplaying with Terezi and Nepeta." She said sipping her, fruit punch? yeah. "Wait... Eridan writes fan fiction?" I asked smirking. "Yes, he is pretty good at it, our ffs are what got us the juice, there's like a whole cult of fangirls a few miles away. Be glad I'm not leaving for them, lest your juice would be nonexistent." She says smiling. "Hm. Show me these Fanfictions sometime, and I will be sure to say thanks to Eridan." I said walking to Bvbmcnyt. "Oh god, lulzie didn't send you here did she?" Bv said looking at me. (I think I try to give her friends too often XD I'm sorry bv I can't help it XD.) "Er, no. So how are you?" I asked. "Well I'm not dead yet so pretty damn good." She said smirking. "Detail?" I asked grabbing a slice of the beautiful and delicious cake. "Well, I have three fangirls for friends so I'm good there as long as they don't drive me crazy. And Karkat and I might as well be eachothers therapists, how many problems we tell eachother. Just this morning he was telling me how secretive you're being while we drank coffee." She said sipping, guess what? COFFEE. "Okay, well you're quite odd if Karkat is friendly toward you." I said shoving cake in my mouth. "He's friendly toward everyone, he just has a weird way of showing it, he insults everyone but the worse the insult the motew you are to him, if he doesn't like you he won't talk to you. like an example... he doesn't really like lulzie. Something about how she talks? But he doesn't hate her at all. So he just doesn't talk to her often. Now if you'll excuse me I have friends to speak to." She said walking away. John came up.  "What's wrong you look confused." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "These girls, have known them for only days while we've known them for years... yet they know so much more about them." I said staring into space. "About who?" John asked. "Karkat, Gamzee, Sollux, and Eridan. Like did you ever really think about how amazing it is that Gamzee never has to learn true sadness because he only sees miracles? Or that Eridan is a good writer but he hides his talent? Sollux is actually very social but prefers to speak mainly to people who can match him step for step in a conversation on anything. Karkat hides his friendship behind insults and his hatred behind silence." I finished still staring. "Wow. I... I never knew that." He said. "However I am going to have to ask that you stop looking like you're broken and enjoy your birthday." He said handing me a glass of juice again. Those girls, are awsome.


I tried to make it obvious who I was gonna end up pairing you with, so if you didn't like it you just tell me. Bye!


Trust me Kat it important.

ThAt Is So FuCkInG aMaZiNg, ItS a DaMn MiRaClE.

Yes Gamzee it very miracle.

H0ly 2hiit.

Where Sollux see that?

Goodbye kittens I is Deshka sign off. (Gbye kitties comment share vote and follow ill see you later meowza army.)

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