Part IV

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The next morning, you are awakened by Hux 'gentle touches. He strokes your hair and you smile. "I have to go. Kylo will take care of you. ", Says Hux and breathes a kiss on the head. You nod and turn to continue sleeping. Armitage smiles and then goes to the door.

There is a loud knock. You startle and go to the door. Kylo is standing in front of it. "Good morning, Y / N," he says and smiles. You nod, return his greeting and ask him in. He enters and sits down on the bed. You yawn and lay flat on the bed. "Do you mind if I sleep a little longer?" Kylo shakes his head and you cuddle up in Hux 's blanket. Kylo sits next to you and starts to meditate.

After you have slept for a few more hours, you get up and go to your little window. You've always liked to look into the stars and here you are close to it. Kylo is behind you. "Did you sleep well?", He asks you and also looks outside. You turn around and nod. Kylo's chest raises and lowers as he lowers his head and looks you in the eye. You look back and smile.

Kylo clears his throat and takes a step back. "What do you want to do today?" He asks, sitting down on a chair. You think about it and then ask if he can teach you how to fly. He nods and you go to the bathroom to change. You decide on a leggings, a long top and a pair of boots. Dressed, you go back to Kylo and you run down several corridors.

Nervously, you sit next to Kylo in his Tie Silencer. Your hands are shaking, but Kylo puts his hand on it. "Quiet, Y / N. We're protected all the time. "You nod and put your hand on the control stick. The hangers open in front of you and you take a deep breath before you start the silencer. Pretty fast it goes forward and you are pressed into the seat. Kylo puts his hand on yours and holds the control stick straight. "Give a little less thrust. Just a little. "You relax and you slow down a bit. "Good," Kylo nods.

"Fly a curve. But stay calm. "You close your eyes and exhale. Then you fly one turn after the other. You move faster and faster in the air, laughing loudly. "That feels really good." Kylo grins and then says, "You can do that really well. If you want, stop it. Then I'll take another silencer and we will race against each other. "You laugh and then agree. With a gentle "pop" you land and Kylo gets out. "Do not forget what you have learned. We'll meet after I win! "He laughs and walks away. "You would like that!" You call after him.

You start the Tie and fly ahead. There the radio announces itself. "It's me. Stay close to the finalizer. Hux goes crazy if something happens to you, "says Kylo and you smile. "Where do we want to start?", You ask and turn a few loops in the air. "How about if we start at the rear and winner is the first on the bridge," suggests Kylo. "Let's do it!" You exclaim enthusiastically, positioning your tie. Kylo lands next to you and counts down from three.

With "Los!", You give full thrust and Kylo disappears a bit behind you, but he catches up quickly. You push the lever forward with all your strength, but Kylo comes closer to you. You hear him radio laugh and laugh with. You're flying serpentine lines to slow Kylo down and it works great. Before you know it, you're already at the bridge. About 10 meters before Kylo. You rejoice loudly and say over the radio. "Well, what did I say?"

You both land and you hug Kylo as he helps you out of the Tie. "That was awesome!", You shout aloud and you laugh. Somebody is clearing his throat. You turn around and Armitage stands there. "I thought you had to work!", You say and smile. "I was too, you decided to fly your daredevil maneuvers." Your smile goes by. "Nothing happened to me." "But something could have happened." You're about to say something when Kylo whispers in your ear, "I told you, he'll get upset. Leave that to me. "You nod and Kylo approaches Hux. "I had everything under control. They were protected at all times. "

Armitage comes to you and takes you in his arms. "I was just scared of you, forgive me my way.", He asks you and you nod. "Do not worry. I'm already taking care of myself. Besides, I have Kylo looking out for me, "you answer and smile at Kylo. "I continue to work. Until then, my darling. "He kisses you briefly on the mouth and then disappears.

"Let's have something to eat.", Says Kylo and pushes you in front of him. "We can fly one more lap later." You nod and go in the direction of the canteen. You take the usual and you sit on a table where only a dark-haired man sits. "Commander.", He greeted Kylo. He just looks at you strangely. "I'm Y / N," you say, smiling at the man. He nods and then says, "Lieutenant Dopheld Mitaka." He hands you his hand and you shake it. Mitaka does not feel very comfortable in Kylo's presence because he eats faster than before and then gets up. He salutes and then disappears. "What are you doing here all day?" You ask Kylo as you finish eating. Kylo looks at you and seems to think for a moment. "I supervise the training of the new soldiers or train. Also, I occasionally have meetings with my staff. "You nod. "And when are you going to do something fun like this one before?" Kylo laughs. "Rare. I'm mostly on my own here, "he says and you find that his voice sounds a bit sad. "But now you have me," you grin and patting his hand. He touches your hand lightly with his.

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