False Vengeance

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There in the tomb, illuminated by Xerath's power, Renekton was tortured in mind, body, and spirit. The brain washing did not stop even when he was already devoted to killing Nasus. It seemed pointless to torture him continuously since they have no way out, but Xerath had no other things to do.

Outside the tomb, the adventurers found what they were looking for. Two of them were left and they were both women, one Noxian and one Mercenary. They were searching for the tomb itself. What seemed to be a good payday for a discovery, turned into treachery. The Noxian took up the mercenary's weapon and opened the tomb. But the universe has its way of repaying those who betray others and thus a curse was placed upon the Noxian. As the Noxian writhed in pain, the prisoners took their opportunity to escape. As the mercenary's blood spilled on the sands, the world's fate changed forever.

"Freedom", the first word in millenia that Renekton said outside his prison. There was no time to waste, so he ran at full speed through the broken halls of the ruins. Lifeless bodies of mercenaries were all over, but he did not notice them. He was focused on only one thing, to kill his brother. When he reached the surface, he felt the touch of sand beneath his feet. It was a familiar touch and he missed it. He would have taken more time to adjust to familiar things, but he had more important things to do.

A few miles passed. Behind him was the ruins and it was moving. The Empire that once stood strong a long time ago has risen again. A great sight to behold, but one that Renekton will never witness.

He was now far from the ruins, far enough to not see the risen empire. He was now in the barren sandy wastes of Shurima, where many have fallen from heat or thirst.

He still remembered how to find the Great Library. This was intended by Xerath. The only one left who could stop Xerath was Nasus, and who better to find and kill him than his own brother.

Renekton was relentless. He never stopped to rest. He focused on exacting his vengeance upon Nasus. A vengeance that was a fruit of deception. A false vengeance.

Brothers of the Sands: Renekton [a League of Legends story]Where stories live. Discover now