Chapter 9: Final Boss

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Suddenly, they party heard thundering footsteps coming closer. "THE DEMON KING! STAY SAFE!" Meirxae's voice rang through Destry's head. "LIRULU!" the Demon King called out. The party drew their weapons, including Lirulu.

The Demon King arrived in the basement, and was sickeningly delighted when he saw Echo, Lilia, Destry, Evren, and Lirulu out of her prison.

"At last! I have you five at my disposal!" he said. "You TOOK DOSNATIA FROM ME!" he said, pointing at Lirulu. "And you four... YOU DEFEATED MY UNDERLINGS, AND TOOK MEIRXAE FROM ME!" he said to the party in a fit of rage. "I do not wish to kill you right here, oh NO! We are going to FIGHT!" he shouted. "And I... Shall.. WIN!" he said powerfully.

The Demon King took out his weapon, and waved it. They were all transported to a floating platform above an abyss of purple clouds. With a wave of his weapon, a magic barrier materialized around it. "I call this the Endbringer. I created it to be the most powerful weapon in Dosnatia!" the Demon King said while brandishing his weapon. Their battle began. Destry attempted to slash at the Demon King with his sword, but the Demon King blocked him.

Echo got an idea. She asked Lilia if they could magically charge the arrows again, and Lilia happily consented. They performed the ritual, and Echo's arrows became charged with magic. She fired one at the Demon King's third eye, and it stunned him. Destry and Lirulu ran over to him, and attacked with their weapons. When the Demon King regained his strength, he lashed out at the party. "DARK LIGHTNING!" he shouted as pitch black magic lightning struck the party. Destry and Lirulu were the most damaged. Destry drank part of a red potion, and without thinking, gave some to Lirulu. Blushing, she drank it.

Lilia felt brimming with magic power after fighting all those monsters before. She readied her wand, and exclaimed "SUNFIRE SURGE!" A burst of flame surged from her wand, and circled around the Demon King until it reached him. Like with Meirxae, magic attacks seemed to be causing the most damage. The Demon King looked into Lilia's eyes, smiled, and charged towards her with the Endbringer. "NO!" Evren shouted as he pulled Lilia out of the way. Lilia hugged him thankfully. Evren was not going to let the Demon King hurt Lilia. "CLOUDCOOLER BURST!" he shouted as he pointed his wand at the Demon King.

The burst of light hit the Demon King, and brought him to his knees. Echo shot an arrow at him right in the eyes. Suddenly, the Demon King began to shout something. "DEMONIC AWAKENING!" he exclaimed. He began to shake and writhe around. His skin turned to scales. His face turned to something resembling that of a dragon. His long dark hair grew down to his feet. A tail sprouted from behind him. His teeth became even sharper, and his feet became clawed. His clothing remained mostly intact, and the blood stains on his shirt became shiny and bright. The Demon King let out a powerful scream, and cast Dark Lightning again. This time, a dark cloud presided over the battlefield, releasing bolts of lightning randomly.

Destry dodged a bolt of Dark Lightning, and charged towards the Demon King with his sword. The sword went into the Demon King's leg, and black blood seeped out. The Demon King took the Endbringer and swung it at Destry, but he ducked just in time. Echo drew her bow, and shot one of her charged arrows at the Demon King. The arrow lodged into the Demon King's third eye. Filled with rage and immense pain, the Demon King swung the Endbringer at Echo. It was a critical hit. Echo fell to the ground, unconscious. Destry saw her fall, and called the party over while the Demon King celebrated what he thought was his first kill of the night.

Suddenly, Meirxae's voice rang through Evren's head. "Draw your wand and repeat these words." she instructed. "SUPRASHIO VIFICA!" Evren shouted with her instruction. A white gust was summoned, and it circled around Echo until it disappeared. Echo began to open her eyes and reach for her dagger. She charged towards the Demon King's back and plunged it in. The Demon King was shocked to see her alive! Lirulu's blood began to boil. She had never been one to get angry, but the Demon King was infuriating her. He had murdered her parents, destroyed her home, and nearly killed one of her new friends. She let out a scream, and charged towards the Demon King with her rapier.

She shoved it into the Demon King's torso. His blood joined the blood of the king and queen. She pulled it out, and walked over to Destry. She shook until Destry put an arm around her. She felt safe with him, like they had known each other forever. The Demon King was stunned. How could those teenagers, including the princess of Dosnatia, wound him so severely? His vision was starting to fade. He couldn't fight much longer. But he had to! He clutched the Endbringer, and pushed Destry to the ground. He held the Endbringer above Destry's heart. "It's... all... because... of YOU!" he said as he was about to bring it down on Destry. Unexpectedly, Lirulu grabbed his arm and dragged him away. "Lirulu..." Destry said, slightly in shock. The Demon King was almost on his knees.

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