Chapter 11: The Quest is Complete

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As they entered the building, Lilia noticed that her arm was starting to fade away. "WE BEAT THE GAME! I MUST BE GOING BACK TO THE REAL WORLD!" she exclaimed. The others were starting to be affected too. Suddenly, Lirulu kissed Destry on the cheek.

"Goodbye, everyone! I'll never forget you!" she exclaimed as they all faded away. Destry lay on the ground. He opened his eyes, and saw that he was back in his basement. Echo, Lilia, and Evren were there too. They were back in their normal clothes. They all looked at the TV, which was still on. A cutscene was playing. They saw Lirulu and her parents out on the castle balcony, smiling. They saw people leaving offerings at Meirxae's temple. They saw the shopkeeper, finally getting the hang of being a merchant. They saw the screen go dark, and words appear.

"THANK YOU FOR PLAYING" appeared first, followed by "THE QUEST IS COMPLETE". The four friends smiled, and prepared to go home.

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