Chapter 4

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That night, Chance and Wade were laying on the couch, Chance curled up on Wade's chest, listening to his heartbeat. They were watching a horror movie called "It" because they fucking can. Chance clung onto Wade during the scary parts, and whenever that happened, Wade would hug him closer than the time before.
After the movie, Wade was carrying Chance up the stairs to his room. "That movie was spooky..." Chance said, resting his head against Wade's shoulder. "Yeah, but I've seen lots of horror movies. I know they're not real, so I'm not really shook by it." Wade replied, holding Chance a little closer since he was clearly scared. They got to Wade's room and laid down beside each other, holding the other close. "My parents are going on a trip to New York since they have a condo there. They invited the both of us to go." Wade said, stroking Chance's cheek with his thumb. "Ok, sounds fun! When do we leave and how long will we be there?" Chance asked, smiling. "We'll be gone for a week, and we're leaving the day after tomorrow." Wade replied, smiling back.

(Timeskip to when they get to NYC since I'm too lazy to write details as of now)

Wade and Chance walked into where they would be staying in the condo. It was a huge bedroom with one of the walls replaced with a huge window so you could see most of the city from above. The bed was also huge, and surprisingly bouncy.
Chance got changed into short gray pajama shorts and a light pink sweater that was a size too big for him. Wade was sitting against the wall on the bed, reading a book his parents got him. Chance crawled over to Wade on the bed and sat on his lap, straddling him. Wade set down his book, a smug smile spreading across his face. "I think I like where this is going." Wade said seductively, lust filling his eyes. Chance started kissing down Wade's neck, nibbling on his collarbone and leaving some hickies. "Whatever this sudden burst of confidence is from you, I'm loving it so far." Wade whispered into Chance's ear, running his hands down Chance's back until they were around Chance's waist. He slid his hands under Chance's shirt, Wade's hands tracing up Chance's back. Chance shivered at the sudden touch, resting his hands on Wade's shoulders and kissing him on the lips again. "You're... perfect... I hope you know that..." Wade whispered in between kisses. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, causing them to stop kissing as the person walked in. It was Wade's mom. Wade's mom simply smiled when she saw what they were doing and said,"I'll come back later." As she walked out and shut the door. Chance yawned quietly. "You should get to bed." Wade said, laying Chance down beside him. "Ok... goodnight..." Chance sounded like he was about to say something else, but he drifted off before he could. Wade smiled. "Goodnight, my rose." Wade whispered as he kissed Chance on the forehead. He walked out, turning off the lights on the way.

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