you know you're right

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( I'm sorry for the late update but school has been ramming my ass w/ wayyy too much hw )

    "He's lying to you, Paul. Bastards like John don't actually have a heart." Bob cut in before Paul could respond, pointing at John with his fork.

John clenched his jaw. "My heart's bigger than yours, fucker."

"John, ignore him." Paul murmured, giving John's hand another squeeze as he began to eat.

Bob snickered. "How immature are you, son? Not only do you have no heart, you obviously haven't grown up."

"Takes one to know one, cunt." John retorted. He was getting quickly pissed off with Bob fucking Wooler and his unnecessary comments. The one thing that put a strain on the control he had was opposition, and Bob had an unyielding source of it.

Paul looked down at their hands, chewing his bottom lip. John yanked his hand free, grinding his teeth. He knew that Paul agreed with Bob, even though he'd never admit it.

"I read an article once, titled 'John Lennon, controlling abuser turned hero'. Now, it never received much traction due to the overwhelming stories that saw you in a positive light, but that story proved to me that people will find out about you eventually." Bob spat, keeping himself busy by cutting up his sirloin steak to avoid eye contact.

"You act like I'm the worst person you know. Just because I don't let Paul fuck around with you doesn't make me a bad person."

"Well, you are. I only put up with you-"

John leaned forward, ready to beat the shit out of Bob. "I don't need you! Paul doesn't need you! And if you keep fucking talking shit, I'll make sure you wake up in a hospital bed." He warned. The way John saw it was that Bob didn't pay them enough to be entitled to say dodgy shit like that without repercussions.

Paul grabbed John's bicep, pulling him back and standing up. "John, let's go. You're attracting attention." Paul whispered, glancing over at the other tables who openly stared at them.

"Yeah, John. You wouldn't want any bad press. Go ahead an' let lil' Paulie lead you out." Bob taunted, grinning up at them.

John freed his arm from Paul's grip, and in one swift movement lunged at Bob. He knocked Bob onto the floor, kicking him in the ribs. "Say that shit again! Say it to my fuckin' face again, fag!" John shouted, pressing his foot down on Bob's throat.

"John! Stop!" Paul pleaded, feeling his stomach drop as Bob gagged.

John heard Paul's cry and snarled at him. "What are you going to do if I don't? Sit there and plead like the bitch you are?" He put a little more pressure on Bob's neck, grinning when the man thrashed.

When Paul did nothing, John released his throat before kicking him in the stomach."You see that Bob? I'm untouchable. Not a single person here is going to say what happened here, including you."

Paul looked down at his shoes, ducking his head in shame as everyone crowded around them. John was right about being untouchable.

Bob sputtered and wheezed once John stopped assaulting him, clutching his stomach while trying to catch his breath.

John thought he looked rightfully pathetic, and it thrilled him.

"Next time I see you, I'll do your fucking head in. Got it, Wooler?" John asked, sounding completely unfazed by what he'd just done. He didn't care about the crowd or how close he was to suffocating Bob to death, John only cared about reasserting his dominance.

Bob nodded weakly. "Y-Yes."

John turned away from Paul and Bob, facing the crowd with his wallet in hand. "Who here wants to be paid for their silence?"

John grinned when he saw people crowd around him. He knew the power money had over people.

In total, John wrote fifty checks, spending fourteen thousand dollars in return for everyone's cooperation. Paul knew that Brian or George would give him hell for allowing John to do something as careless as that once they found out.

Bob Wooler was sure to tell the both of them about what happened, but that wasn't Paul's main concern.

After they left, John acted like everything was completely normal, and that worried Paul the most. If John can almost kill someone and not have a guilty conscience afterwards, then what else was he capable of?

"Mmm, Paulie, why're you actin' so off?" John mumbled into the back of Paul's neck, running his hands along Paul's thighs.

Paul shifted on John's lap so he could rest the back of his head on John's shoulder. "I need that vacation, John. The one you talked about earlier. Let's just get away from everything." Paul is sure that not being crammed into hotel room after hotel room and not dealing with the pressure everyone puts on them will give John time to reflect on what he's done.

"We will, baby. I promise." John pecked Paul's cheek as he wrapped his arms around him. "Anything you want."

Paul's resolve always collapsed whenever John became truly affectionate, which he usually is after he does something unforgivable, and this time was no different.

Bob probably deserved what John did to him after spending years prodding at his explosive ego, Paul reasoned. "The day we arrive is the day I'd ride the hell out of you." He admitted.

"I'll hold you to it, love." John groaned near Paul's ear, making his spine jolt.

Paul smiled, amazed how John could go from vicious to irresistible within a short period of time. He heard Brian call him a sociopath multiple times, and wondered if he'd just found proof of that. "John, you'd never do what you did to Bob to me, would you?"

John furrowed his brows. "Why would I want to hurt you? I need you in my life, Paul. I'd probably be dead if it weren't for you."

"I dunno, John. I've watched you become completely indifferent on multiple occasions, it's frightening." Paul admitted. He's pretty sure that John would kill him if given the chance and was angry enough.

John scoffed, nuzzling Paul's cheek. "You're right, I'm a big bad wolf. I'll hurt you beyond belief." He growled.

Paul shivered, John's voice giving him goosebumps. It didn't sound like John was lying.

Polly [j.l + p.m]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora