lake of fire

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Brian and Paul sat on the couch the following morning, the last thing John told him still replaying in his mind while Brian went on about John's recklessness.

"Is he trying to commit carrier suicide? Are you both trying to cash in? You need to tell me, Paul, because this shit John's done is... he almost killed the guy!" Brian shouted, turning red in the face. He'd heard the news earlier than Paul would've thought he would. It was ten in the morning and Paul is surprised that Wooler ratted John out so soon.

"Almost being the key word. Wooler said some harsh shit, y'know. He's not an angel either." Paul defended. It was the best he could come up with in such a short notice.

Brian became irritated and jabbed him in the chest. "Wooler isn't an angel, he's a victim. Where the fuck is John anyway? I need to talk to him about this."

Paul scoffed, crossing his legs. "Aren't we all victims? John leaves no survivors, Bri, you're gonna have to get used to it." Last night he came to the conclusion that there was no winning with John.

"You act like he's the devil or something." Brian snorted, shaking his head. "John only acts this way because you give him the power to act this way, Paul."

"Act like who's the devil?" John asks, walking in from the hallway. His eyes landing on Paul, with an emptiness in them that makes Paul's stomach drop.

Paul swallowed thickly, knowing that John had been listening in on their conversation. He quickly drops to his knees and bows his head, hoping to distract John from the truth. "I'm sorry, John." He mumbled.

"Paul, get the fuck off the floor." John sighed, offering his hand to help him.

He chewed his lip and took John's hand. John didn't let go of Paul's hand after he was up, instead he pulled him closer and whispered in Paul's ear. "You're lucky Brian's here to save your ass, baby."

"Where do you want me?" Paul asked, pulling back enough to make eye contact with John. He knew Brian was watching them and probably creating a way to bring up this incident to George.

John let go of Paul's hand. "Bent over my lap, preferably. But since Brian's here, I guess I'll just have to settle with you sitting next to me." John mumbled, brushing past Paul to sit on the couch.

"Wooler was quick to tattle, I see." John remarked dryly. Paul turned around to gauge Brian's reaction to John.

Brian faced him, raking his hair with one hand. "John, we need to talk about this. I cannot ignore this shit." He shifted a bit, confirming Paul's suspicion that he was anxious. "Bob said he feels inclined to press charges, John. If this goes public your whole career is going to unravel."

John froze up, clearly not expecting Wooler to make such a threat. Paul didn't either, because most of the people John roughed up knew to pretend it never happened. "Wasn't he charged with perjury a few years ago? I doubt they'd believe someone who lied under oath." Paul brought up, hoping for their sake that would be the case.

"People still believe John's a good person, Paul. It wouldn't take much to convince them." Brian said.

John balled his hands into fists. "I told that fucker to not say a word about what happened, least of all threaten to fuckin' get law enforcement involved! What hospital is he in? I'll make sure that's the last threat he ever makes." He growled.

"Killing him or beating him up again is what he wants. Don't let him win, John." Paul advised, sitting down next to John.

"To bring the media's attention away from Wooler's disappearance, you two are going to Harrison's charity ball, you hear? You guys aren't missing it like last year." Brian ignored John's groan of protest and continued. "It's conveniently two days from now, and the press'll have a field day if you two are there."

"He invited us again? Quelle surprise, considering how he only invites rich fucks who dole out reefers like PEZ dispensers." John spat, obviously not liking the idea of going to the event.

Paul wasn't inclined to go either, but they needed to distract the press from Bob's sudden disappearance until he fully recovered. "C'mon, Johnny, it won't kill us to help George." He leaned closer to John. "Besides, getting high makes me horny."

"A lot of things turn you on, baby. It's what happens when you're a slut, love." John whispered, patting Paul's knee.

Paul placed his hand on top of John's. "Gotta make a living somehow, Johnny." He giggled.

"I'm glad you two are just... fine after what happened yesterday, but I wasn't done." Brian butt in, looking between them with a grimace. If it had been earlier on in their career, Paul might've cared about his facial expression, but after years of being with him and seeing that same expression it no longer has the same effect. "Not only will you two attend Harrison's event, but you both will also stay for the after party he's having."

John shuffled closer to Paul. "Fuck that. After parties are where horny bimbos try to score some rich cock. Once that ball is over I'm plowin' Paulie in one of those expensive hotel rooms."

Paul hit John on the shoulder and rolled his eyes. "Way to be blunt, John." He wonders what it's like to say whatever the fuck you want and not worry about any repercussions.

"Just stay at the after party for an hour. You can talk with people and try to get them to donate. You both are getting a little pricey, so we need all the money we can get."

John grunted. "Fine, but you're gonna have to score us some Quaalude. George has a shit ton of druggie friends and I don't want to get jumped, so you need to get them."

Paul felt his mouth water at the thought of those pills. They were strong downers and perfect after sex, John and Paul had learned. "Yeah, Bri, we need those pills. It'll ensure that we don't do something stupid the day after the ball."

"I think not! You two need to be role models, and if someone catches you with that shit you're done for." Brian warns.

"Role models? An' here I thought I was the anti-Christ. Thank you for lettin' me know, Eppy." John cackles as he pinched the side of Paul's thigh.

The pain was sharp and unexpected, causing Paul to jerk up and hiss at the feeling. This was John's way of telling him that he still remembered what Paul had said.

Brian glanced down at where John's hand was, giving Paul a knowing look before speaking. "Being a smartass won't get you anywhere, John." He got up, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Neither will being abusive. One day people will find out, and that'll be the end of your career."

"Please, Brian, save your speech for someone who cares. In the eyes of the public, I'm a role model, remember?" John asked, batting his eyelashes up at Brian. Paul hoped no one really looked up to John like that.

Brian shook his head. "I pray John doesn't beat you to near death one day, Paul."

Paul sighed, silently agreeing with him. There was a point in time before all of this fame that John had acted like a decent human being.

But then John became power hungry and Paul just let him have it, because fuck if he didn't think John looked great being in control. Hell, he still does, Paul thought, whenever he's not humiliating or hurting him.

"Go along now, Eppy. Me an' Paulie are going to break in my new belt." John waved Brian away, successfully getting him to leave.

John threw an arm over Paul's shoulders, leaning against him with a warm smile on his face. "Now, baby, how many whips do you think it'll take for you to repent your sin?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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