Chapter 1

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It was the 29th of July, The night before we would be meeting with 5sos for dinner.

"Hey! Aren’t you thrilled!?” I said to max over the phone as I glanced at the clock and saw it was 1 A.M.

"Very thrilled... Very agitated..." He said back. 

"Don't sweat it babe! The boys will love you and your girlfriend." I said with a smirk on my face.

"You're right babe. You're always right." he whispered to me. I blushed a little. "It’s getting late Holland. I'll call you tomorrow! I love you. Sweet dreams cutie" 

"I love you too babe and remember its a casual dinner! Don’t get to dressed up okay?" I said back 

"I wont. Love you loads" he replied.

I hung up the phone. I looked at my closet. I just realized that I didn’t pick an outfit for the dinner yet!

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath. I quickly raided my closet for a possible outfit. I found my solid black vans, my ripped black skinny jeans and, my Brandy Melville crop top that had the words "Killin' it" on the front in black words. I know, why the hell would I wear skinny jeans during the summer? I don’t even know the answer to that.

I spent the rest of my night organizing my make-up and watching the movie, The way way back. It was astonishing. I may or may not of cried. Oops. It was now 3:56 A.M. I passed out on my bed with the thought of tomorrow night and they way the movie, The way way back ended. 

I woke up furious with my neighbors. "WHAT THE HELL?! ITS FUCKING 7 IN THE MORNING! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU USING A FUCKING LEAF BLOWER DURING 7 IN THE FUCKING MORNING?!" I screamed as I fell off of my bed with a pissed off look on my face. As you can see I’m not a morning person. I walked to my bathroom and looked at my mirror. I almost jumped seeing my reflection in the mirror. Yep, that’s how hideous looked in the morning.

I brushed my teeth as well as my hair. I applied my ache cream to my face and rinsed the soap off. After that I strolled into my room and put on a little of foundation and mascara for work. I threw on an American appeal tank top, my blue ripped skinny jeans and red toms. 

It was 8:43 A.M. I headed down to my kitchen to get a quick breakfast before I left for work. I worked at a record store a few streets away. It was called Momma Kool Records. I was friends with the boss and landed the job. All I basically do is help customers find records & listen to the music. I mostly listened to the music. 

After 10 minutes of driving I was at work. I parked my car and headed inside. I was an hour early due to my fucking neighbors so I unlocked the store and just listened to all time low for a good half an hour. 

My boss Richard latter then arrived and was startled to see me here early.

"Neighbors woke me up" I said to him.

He nodded and went to the cash register. I worked for a good 3 hours. Richard was kind enough to let me go home early.

"Bye Richard. See you tomorrow!" I said while he was lip sinking Black widow by Cage the elephant.

"Bye Holland. Don't be late." He replied.

I stuck up a peace sign and hopped into the car and drove back home. It was around 11 P.M. now.

"I have plenty of time." I said to myself. The dinner was at 8 so I decided to order some pizza and watch some Netflix. As I turned on my Netflix account and was looking for super natural the doorbell rang. I thought it was the pizza guy but I ordered the pizza literally 3 minutes ago and it takes 4 minutes to get here…

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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