Chapter one:cas's arival.

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Deans POV: -BEEP BEEP BEEP- "UGH SHUT UP BITCH" I yell as I throw my alarm clock across the room. My father John walks in. "Dean! This is the third alarm clock you've smashed this month." Your buying the next one with your money. Until then, your grounded and no girls over." "But da-"  "NO BUTS DEAN." He shouted as he walked down the stairs probably to fix me and Sam breakfast. SPEak of that devil (not luci) sam bounds happily around the corner and swiveled his finger around, as if he were to scold me, mocking our father. "Yeah dean. What he said" "BITCH" I growled under my breath. "Jerk" he giggled and skipped away. Welcome to a Tuesday in the Winchester's house. (I'm so so sorry XD)

—after breakfast—

As I began to walk to school my friend Charlie walks up to me. She's the only friend I have besides the team. And...the only one that knows about my little secret.
"Wassup bitch" she said. I know she definitely will not hit on me. I'm not her type. No, I'm FAR from it. Matter of a fact, I'm the wrong gender. Yeah. She's into girls. But hey, I'm fine with it. For OBVIOUS reasons.  
"Nothing much. Wuh bout u fucker?" "1)don't call me that, call me mother fucker. 2) there's a new kid. He's ur type. I mean I guess. I don't really know I haven't seen him I'm just tryna hook u up here." "Ok that right there what the lowest you've ever stooped."
I remarked in a sassy-ass voice. "What's his name any way?" I asked slightly curious. "Castiel" huh what the hell kinda name is that? "Cas-a what what now?" She giggles "castiel."

— at school—

in the middle of history class, this dude with a lip piercing black hoody and black,ripped skinny jeans holding his nose that was now starting to bleed busts through the door. "Mr Novak I presume? Your late. Take a seat by meg." Mr singer said. "Whatever" he growled in a low gravely voice.

     Daymmmm tho it was kinda hot. As he proceeded to take a seat next to meg, I glanced over only to see 'cas' looking very uncomfortable seeing meg looking at him twisting her hair at the tips of her fingers while biting her lip and winking as she finally left him alone, cas now looking more comfortable seeing as she moved away. 
I almost feel sorry for the guy.

As the class went on it was halfway through third period and lunch would be in five minuets. My mind began to wonder. 'Why did he come in with a bleeding nose? Is he ok? Who did that t-' my sentence was cut off by mr singer. "DEAN! Snap outa it boy.  I asked a question. What is the answer to this problem?" An idea came to mind 4-3-2 now. "A solution." I said earning giggles just on time as the bell rang.

Good riddance hunger.

Hello Castiel.

I want to live in a world where the word Normal is an insult. (DESTIEL AU)Where stories live. Discover now