From a distance...

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After class i jogged to the team. Uriel had the new kid by the hair laying repedive puches to his face and relentless kicks to the stomach.
"Uriel leave the kid alone!" I said in a groan. "You know the drill Winchester. New kids alwase  get beaten."  At this point I was getting frustrated and that's not something I do much. "Ok guys. You can go back to lunch. I've got this one." I said calmly. "Good. Show him who's boss" they said meanly. In real life they are all little pussys running from puppy's. "Ok I got him" i said calmly. I picked him up and lightly held him by the throat as they walked away. When they were out of sight, I held his shoulders and supported him to the bathroom. "You ok?!" I asked him worriedly cleaning a cut on his forehead. "Yeah...I don't know. Why did you help me?" He asked. "I'm not one for violence (that's ironic dean.) I just don't want to obey to them anymore." I replied. "If I were you I would just quit the team if you don't want to obey them anymore.. I'm not trying to persuade you into doing things because..damn I hardly even know you, I'm just talking through my prospective...sorry." He apologized. "It's ok. I completely get what you mean. I'm not really even in to sports. I'm just...good at them so i just do them." I said pausing due to confusing myself and talking to fast. Then, I return my focus to cas. "I'm dean by the way. Dean Winchester." "Castiel. Castiel Novak." He replied. I then finished cleaning the rest of his cuts and wounds as we sat in a calming comfortable silence.  "All done." I said walking to the sink to clean the slight blood off of my hands. "Thank you ,Dean." He stood firm his sitting position wobbling a little. "No problem. If those dicks start bothering you you tell me. Ok? Why were they beating you up anyway?"  I asked a little concerned. "Well for two reasons. One, I'm gay. They just started chasing me until I ran out of breath then they just started hitting me. I don't even know how they found out honestly." Explains why he didn't like meg being so close earlier.   "And the second reason, I'm not really allowed to say..." he said his expression saddening. "You ok?" I compressed. "Yeah...see you later." "Bye"

And for the rest of the day I watched him from a distance.

I want to live in a world where the word Normal is an insult. (DESTIEL AU)Where stories live. Discover now