Why are there so many versions of my dad??

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Heyyyy so no one requested soooo I'm going to do most of this in Y/n POV

I woke up over someone's shoulder and I was being carried through a dark hallway "AhHHH Wh3rE aM 1!?!" I look at the guys face and he looks like my Dad? "AhH WHy dO Y0u LOok lIk3 mY DaD?" I hit me like a bullet "WHERE IS MY DAD!" I yell surprisingly without glitching "Gone." Says the shady rainbow right dats it! I shoot out my f/c stings and grab onto a poll and pull myself towards it and start running " TAk3 tHat sKitTl3s!" I yell back at him as I dash up some stairs and into a house?

I look around and see a door. I start running for the door when I open it there are a bunch of versions of my Dad. I suddenly remembered something

Flashback start
"HeY Gl1cHy" ( your nickname ) your dad says "Y3Ah?" I reply " If you ever s3E someone that looks like me and yOur uncles I want you to run as far as yoU can ok?" "oK!" I say with a big smile
Flashback end
There the guys Dad warned me about!
I start to realise that all of them are starring at me. " oH sNik3R dODl3s" I say some of them Sommons there weapons and some just stare at my "uHh gOTta BOunc3" I say and run like my life depends on it then a wall of blue bones comes in front of me I turn around. I'm cornered "wHAt tH3 H3Ll iS GOiNg On!" I yell "You know what is going on Error don't play dumb!" Yells a edgy looking version of Dad "PfFt Error tHat's my Dad!" I say trying not to laugh and not glitching surprisingly "Your WHAT!" They all yell " yEaH wHy" I say I look at them and see they all have a look of fury in there eyes "wEll i Don't THiNk YoU lOt lIke mY DaD so ImA B0Nce" I sat and try to open a portal but fail "0H CoM3 ON!" I yell.
I'm really frightened now I am really short for my age so allow them are about half a meter taller than me. I now look clearly frightened "G-g3t AWay fRom M3!" I yell trembling while they all get closer to me then I see the people I fear the most "aHhHhhH" I scream and try to run so I go to the corner and huddle up into a ball when I look up I see Skittles "Hi what's your name little one?" He says in a caring tone " WHy Sh0UlD I TelL y0U Y0u hUrT mY DaD!" Snap back at him " Ok hard way it is" he says and turns my souls blue and lifts me up to his level witch is very high for me and checks my stats

Y/n Error
Is the daughter of Error the forced destroyer of the Aus and only trusts her uncles Geno and Fresh. Has the fear of being touched like her father.  Fate wants to see her suffer as much as her Father
Age: 9
Au: Terminated by Creators

Everyone just stares at me like I just killed
Someone. Skittles dropped me and I start to gasp for air before everything starts to go black I reach into my pocket and grab the newly make doll of my dad and hug it close
"Where are you dad" I whisper and everything goes

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