A blue Ink blob

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As soon as I heard that my little sis and my big brothor were taken by other Sans's I was MAD I am usually really shy but I will stand up for family.

I rush though the portal I just made and into a jail cell looking thing and then I see Pj and Y/n talking "Y/n that's great and all but WE ARE STILL TRAPED" "Not for long" I say

You know it's really funny to see your older brother look to you for help even when your SMALLER THAN ALL YOUR SIBLINGS JUST LIKE AUTHOR-CHAN.  (NU DONT BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!) 

We turn around "GRADIENT!" We yell maybe a bit to loud "shhh I'm going to break you out of here! Pj I'm going to get you out first so it will be easier to get Y/n out ok?" He say "got it" Says Paper jam. Before we can start our plan
Gradient gets hit by a blob of blue ink...

Short I know but before I can make anymore chapters I need your help. Can you comment Gradients personality because I do not read many books with gradient in it! And there is not more chapters unless I get at least one comment on what gradient is like thank and see you later BAI

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