kiba's realization

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Kiba's point:

  I lay in my bed trying to put my thoughts together after what I had seen, and how it made me feel.
  Usually I wouldn't be able to get away with just laying in bed, but luckily my mother and eldest sister where out on a mission, they where the biggest hard assess. I still had my other sisters around, but with the excuse of had trained to hard and used up to much chakra, they let me lounge around for once.
  I typically don't like just laying down, or sitting down for that matter. I like to be active, especially in nature.
But now my thoughts were so jumbled that I needed to stay still to work through them.
  The reason behind my disheveled mind was what I had seen no longer than an hour ago. It had been Naruto, that was pretty normal to see Naruto around, but this time was different. I had just finished training on my own for the past 3-4 hours, and I had became hungry, my stomach growling, yelling at me for nourishment.

************FLASH BACK************


  "My God, calm down I'll feed you soon."


  "Okay...okay, I'm going to get lunch now. Come on akamaru, let's eat"

  Walking down from the hill in the Forest, where me and akamaru trained for the morning, we made are way tord the village. About half way between the hill and the exit of the forest I saw Naruto in a small clearing training, he was sweaty and panting, obviously tired.
  I stayed in the cover of the trees just watching, out of curiosity. I watched as Naruto kept training. From how tired he looked he must have been training for at least twice as long as I had been. That's something that I always sort of admired of Naruto, never knowing when to give up.
  I can be a real jerk to him some times but that's only because I know he can take it. In truth I actually like the kid, he's always smiling, he's forgiving, always See's the best in people, he stands up for himself and others, he'd put his life on the line for his friends. Sure he was loud, cocky, could be a bit naive and innocent, and had an unhealthy Obsession for ramen, but those traits where endearing and kinda cute.
  Wait.. did I just really think that, well of course I think his personality is cute, its the same of a child's, but he has a pretty cute face and body...
I guess it's no big deal if I think Naruto is cute, lots of things are cute, like little furry animals.
  Naruto then took off his shirt that was soked in sweat reveling his upper body, a slender body that he was able to fit a six pack and pecks with two hard pointy nipples, and a thin layer of sweat over his body, a blush spread all over my face and I took a deep breath, Wich indeed up being a bad move, with my enhanced sense of smell I got a lung full of Naruto's musky sweaty body and shirt, I went into a trance, I felt my cock instantly harden it was all too much, the intoxicating smell, the view of Naruto's body, I just about stumbled into the clearing, when I heard the confused wimper of akamaru. I had completely forgotten he was here, I realised what was happening, and new I had to get away I ran home akamaru on my tail, completely forgetting about food.

  **********END FLASH BACK********

  I lay in bed, in my room, alone, thinking of this boy, this boy that I had a crush on, I wasn't stupid, and it'd be meaningless to try and pretend nothing had happened, that I hadn't felt the way I did. It was as clear as day. And now that I really think about it, I think I've always had a crush on Naruto, I remembered when I had first known him, I had made fun of him, and was meen to him, like all the others, but maybe my being meen and making fun had been different than the others, maybe I was so meen to Naruto because I had a crush on him, in the same way a guy will be mean to the girl he likes when he's younger, because he doesn't understand his feelings. I thought that over and it felt right, my cruelty to Naruto had always been different from all the others. And as I grew up I stopped being meen to Naruto, now only poking fun, if looked at by a certain prospective, could be seen as.... flirting.
  I serched through my thoughts, my feelings, and my memories, and when seen through this new prospective I now know without a shadow of a doubt, I had a crush on Naruto, maybe something even stronger than a crush.
  I can't hide, and pretend that I don't feel this way, not any more.
  So the problem now is what do I do now that I know that I'm in love with Naruto?

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