chapter 4

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I ran. I ran from kiba because I was scared and ashamed. I had never been so Reckless before. To have done that in the open, and now kiba's seen. I wasn't sure where I was going, I just had to get away. I went farther and deeper into the woods, Never slowing down. I faintly herd kind from a distance behind me chasing after me, yelling my name.
  I had to get away from him, I saw a river and jumped in allowing it to take me, knowing this would throw kiba off my Trail. After about ten minutes I left the river and began running again. I'm not sure exactly how long I had been running but I eventually came across a cliff, I sat at the top, looking down below.
  I started thinking, what to do. And only one solution came to me.
  To kill myself.
It would be easy, I'd just have to jump from this cliff, if I positioned my self right my deth would be quick and painless. Why was I still alive any way, sure my life had gotten better, but I was still feard. And to have to deal with the heat every year. And now kiba's seen him do something truly disgraceful, and he'll probably tell everyone else what he saw.
  I brot my knees to my chest and buried my face into them. I cried, preparing for my death.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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