Chapter 9

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They finally did it. The ships were across the mountain and there stood the men and Alca beside them. Harald and Halfdan were celebrating, knowing that they could trust Ragnar. Bjorn and Alca kept a straight face and while everyone left those two stayed behind.

"I heard Lagertha lost the baby." Bjorn turned to look at her. "She did and she knew she would."

"Then why is she walking around like nothing has happened?" "She is still fighting and nothing will stop her."

The two walk back down towards the boats that were now in the water. Loki has been working on them for a while and they look ready to be taken into battle. By the edge was Ashletoe, who looked out among the boats.

"What are you thinking?" Ashletoe kept her gaze on the boats." You are leaving me again and for what a silly battle you won't win."

"I know you are mad and I am too, but this is what I love to do and even if we lose I still have to fight."

"I not afraid for you, you can't die unlike the others. The gods choose you over all of us to live and yet all you do is kill. Why can't you just stay with me?" Ashletoe starts to cry and looks down. Alca grabs her chin and picks her face up.

"I know I can't love you the way you want me to, but you are the closest I can get to ever loving someone, so trust me I will never leave you okay?" She starts to smile and hugs Alca. "Okay but you better come back."

"Have I ever not come back?" She starts to walk away to one of the boats but then "So what happened between you and Erlendur?" Alca continues to walk, but turns around to face her and sticks out her tongue while smiling. Both girls laughed and walked in opposite directions.

At the boats

"You asked Alca to join us on our boat?" asked Harald as he puts some bags in the corner. "How could I not brother? Besides she wont take up much room, have you seen the size of her?"

Harald laughed, "Well doesn't matter her size, she can beat both of us up with one swing of her sword. Don't look now brother, but she is coming this way." Halfdan turned to look at her. He was about to speak, but Harald got between them. "So Midgard Serpent you decided to join us after all."

Alca smile never faltered. "Now why would I pass up such a great opportunity to be next to a king." "Hmm so you came here for me I see." Harald got a dirty look in his eye.

"Sorry to disappoint you my king, but I came for someone else." She walks to the back of the boat, where Halfdan is leaning on the pole.

"You ask me to come and yet you couldn't greet me onto the boat." He didn't answer back, but just stared at her. "Harald I think there is something wrong with your brother."

Halfdan stood straight up now. "There is nothing wrong, just surprised you came because of Lagertha." "I thought she needed some space from me." Harald came by now. "We are about to leave. Are you staying or going Alca."

"Well I am already here so there's no point to leaving now." The brothers smiled at this comment. "THEN LET'S GO!"

All boats left and they started to sail down the river. Loki was at the front and Alca was in the back, her arm over the edge trying to touch the water. " Why do you like the water so much?" She puts her arm back in the boat and Halfdan sit down next to her.

"I never been allowed to raid or really ever sail. I been told it's forbidden for if I went anywhere beside Lagertha side, I will be killed in an instant, shamed for my entire life. So I guess you can say I was afraid. But now I am on the water. I am here and I don't think I ever want to leave."

"You don't have to." She turned and faced him with a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

"My brother and I are conquering all of Norway, sailing many places. You could come with us." she smiled at him. "I will think about it." The conversation was cut short when they saw the boats heading their way.

Loki climbed to the top of the boat. Halfdan and Alca both stood up and grabbed there sword. "You ready to fight Halfdan?" "If the gods allow me to move more sword, then I am more than ready to fight."

Across the water, Rollo sat in his chair, seeing all of the Vikings, seeing all his friends and family, and seeing her. He starred at the girl, wondering how the gods could have made such a young and small girl a vicious Viking.

"Time for you to go to Valhalla little snake."

The Midgard Serpent (Halfdan the Black x OC)Where stories live. Discover now