Chapter 24

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Darkness surrounds me. I can see not feel anything, but I know all I have to do is open my eyes. What was happening before, what is happening now. I hear waves crashing into against the shore. Water ha, that's funny we aren't even close to the shore from camp. Wait did we even make it back from camp?

I open my eyes very slowly afraid the sun would hurt them but when I look up all I see is dark storm clouds surround the area. I move my fingers around and feel the warm sand believe me. I sit up seeing on the beach. When did I get here? "Hello!" No answer. I stood up. It didn't hurt to stand it felt .... normal.

I walk to the edge of the shore where the water just hits the sand. Why am I here right? I look out towards the ocean and see that it goes on for miles. "Alca." I turn around to see him a man a never thought I would see again. An expression of confusion was placed on my face, "Erlendur." He starts to smile, " I see you still remember." " How could I forget you?" He starts to walk closer to me.
"Good because we have a lot to discuss." He places his hand out for me to grab.

" How are you here I watched you get killed?" The smile was swept off his face. "Alca where do you think we are?" It then dawned on me. "Am I..." the smirk comes back "That's for you to decide." If I am dead then how could I decide, but where are the gates of Valhalla. My punishment to look upon them forever but never enter. I grab his hand wanting to know more.

We start walking but I can tell this is going to be an endless walk. He hasn't started talking yet so I decided I would. "Why out of everyone would you be the one to talk to me?" "I know you remember that day Alca. The day I came with torvi. You didn't trust me in the slightest always watching my steps tracking me when I hunted. I don't blame you for that. But that night when I confronted you. I wanted nothing more than to be the one who stayed Alca the Midgard serpent, but you looked weak for once and beautiful and I had to kiss you. YOU had to kiss me. It was you're first kiss wasn't it? How darling you were. You interest me Alca that's all."

I blushed a little but nothing noticeable. "That doesn't explain why you are here and better yet you tried to kill me in Paris. I saw you in the tree lines watching me." "No matter what I will always want to kill you Alca. It's a big ambition of mine, but to say that I didn't love you and for you to say the same would be a lie."

I laughed at this. "If you loved me then why try to kill my family. Separate everyone even further?" "Like I said my ambitions get the best of me. Ragnar took my family away so I wanted to take revenge against his. I just didn't think someone from his family would interest me enough." We stopped walking and he turns towards me. "This is goodbye Alca." Wait what.

"You're leaving me again what am I to do?" "Trust me you will make it into Valhalla but I will not, but you are not dead yet and there's much more you still need to do." He let's go of my hand and a big gust of wind blows sand around us. I become blinded by these and use my hands to cover my eyes. As the wind slows down I begin to open my eyes and see that I'm standing on a mountain. This range looks for familiar. "And the oldest has finally arrived." The sound of that voice brought a chill down my back and goosebumps all over my arms. "Don't be such a coward and face me!" I turn around and the man I thought I would never see again was there. "Hello Alca. I see you made a reputation far worse than mine." It was him. The man who abused me everyday. Made me train till I could no longer stand. Made me into the son he could never have. My father

"I made up for it though something you could and would never be able to do." He laughs, "And to think I chose you to be the favorite. I laid everything out before you and you wasted it away and got all of us killed you ungrateful child." "You were never a father to me. All you ever used me for was a replacement for the son you could never have. You betrayed the gods and blamed all of us for it." I walked forward and reached for my sword but realize I didn't have one. He starts laughing hysterically at me and slaps me so hard in the face I fall to the ground. "I thought when you died we would have the greatest relationship out of all my children, but no you are the one that got us all killed." He kicks me in the stomach and I grunt. "You let the whole kingdom and my wife get killed." He kicks again. "You lost our family name and wealth." He kicks again. "You are nothing but a worthless *kick*, useless *kick*, ungrateful *kick* daughter."

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