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" Moonclan may be able to see the stars, but they will never connect to it like we do." - Ravenstar talking to Ravenclan about Starclan.

Clan Character: Ravenclan sees themselves as special compared to the other Clans, they are more flexible and can jump higher. They like to let the other Clans believe that they are calm but on the inside, they are craving for the heat of a battle.

Clan Character viewed by other Clans: Rippleclan sees Ravenclan as sneaky and that Starclan gave them the ability to jump higher because their cowards and it would help them to hide. Moonclan sees them as clever and cunning and Moonclan cats will often rant about which Clan is closer to the stars. Badgerclan sees Ravenclan as cowards and they often call them squirrels.

Prey: Squirrels, birds such as crows, thrushes, blackbirds, wood pigeons, and sparrows. They sometimes eat frogs and mice.

Hunting Techniques: Ravenclan use there legs to climb high trees. They can also use this skill for birds taking flight into the sky.

Significant leaders: Ravenstar, Spottedstar, Shadestar, Petalstar, Sparrowstar

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