Raventail's Demise Chapter 2

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 " Please tell me that my kit will be okay!" A voice wailed. Ravenkit didn't open his eyes at first, he had slept so calmly earlier it was the best sleep he had gotten in moons!

" Ravenkit will be fine, he only ate a poppy seed." Replied a calmer voice. Ravenkit yawned and stretched his body, then he opened his eyes. He was in the medicine cat den and Hopeheart was standing in front of him. At the back of the den Nightpatch and Sharpfur were watching him with worry in their eyes while Darkkit flicked her tail impatiently. " He's woken up. How are you feeling Ravenkit?" Hopeheart asked.

" I feel fine! That was the best sleep I've had in moons!" Ravenkit joyfully meowed. Hopehearts whiskers twitched with amusement and she stepped aside so Nightpatch could walk over to Ravenkit.

" Why did you go into the medicine cat den and eat a poppy seed? Especially when you knew that Sharpfur was coming to see you!" Nightpatch hissed. Although her tone was angry, Ravenkit could see in her eyes she was just worried. 

" I wanted to bring a gift for Sharpfur, I saw Hopeheart leave the medicine cat den so I went in to see what I could find for him. I didn't know that the poppy seed would make me fall asleep." Ravenkit meowed and guiltily flattered his ears. Maybe he should have brought Sharpfur a feather or a leaf instead.

" All that matters is that you're okay now." Sharpfur purred as he brushed his tail around Ravenkit. " How about I show you the hunters crouch?" Sharpfur suggested.

" Yes! Please show us Sharpfur! He is allowed to do that, right Nightpatch?" Darkkit begged her mother. Ravenkit felt his heart leap with hope, if he learned the hunter's crouch as a kit his mentor would be pleased! Then he felt excitement tingle in his paws, his apprentice ceremony was only five sunrises away! And maybe, just maybe, he would be an apprentice sooner because of his father being the deputy! 

" Fine, but don't practice  it on other cats!" Nightpatch meowed as Ravenkit and Darkkit ran after there father. By the time Ravenkit reached his father, Darkkit was already there. 

"  First I want to see how you think it's done." Sharpfur meowed. Ravenkit wondered if he actually meant that or he just wanted to see how bad there hunters crouch was. Obeying his father, Ravenkit crouched his tail drooped to the ground so it didn't stick up. " You both have quite a good crouch but there are a few things you could change. Darkkit, you need to spread your feet out a bit more for the leap and your tail needs to be lower. Ravenkit, your tail needs to be a bit higher so it doesn't brush the floor." Sharpfur meowed.

" Sharpfur!" A tom called as he raced over to the deputy. Ravenkit froze as he realized it was Sparrowstar, the leader of Ravenclan. " I need you to come with me on a mission." The leader instructed. Ravenkit felt disappointment grow in his heart, he had expected to spend more time with his father!

" Sorry kits! I'll play with you another time. While I'm gone why don't you two practice leaping?" Sharpfur guiltily suggested and followed Sparrowstar out of camp. Ravenkit sighed and stared at his white paws, he hissed when he felt Darkkit pounce on top of him.

" What are you doing?!" He growled as he tried to get her off. She leaped off him, her purple eyes shone with triumph and she let out a mrow of laughter.

" I'm doing what Sharpfur said, I didn't know that staring at your paws meant you were leaping." Darkkit teased. Ravenkit rolled his eyes, they were going to be apprentice's in five days, that game was for young kits! He tried to think of something better to do and then it hit him.

" I have a better idea! We could follow Sharpfur and Sparrowstar and see what this special mission is!" Ravenkit whispered. Darkkit gasped and shifted her paws uneasily.

" What if they see us? Are apprentice ceremonies could be delayed!" Darkkit whimpered. Shes such a goody two paws! Ravenkit silently hissed.

" They won't see us if you do what I say. Anyway, Sparrowstar wouldn't delay our apprentice ceremony, we need apprentices to do the elders ticks and clean out nests." Ravenkit meowed. Darkkit still looked troubled but she nodded. " Let's go! Keep quiet and follow me." Ravenkit instructed.  He silently crept through a bsh that led to the exit of the camp, he made sure that Darkkit was behind him and then carried on.

As they emerged from the bushes that exited the camp he let scents flood him. He drew in the scent of pine trees and he quickly picked up his father's scent too. He quickly, but quietly, followed his father's scent, glaring at Darkkit whenever she was too loud. As Sharpfurs scent grew stronger, Ravenkit couldn't help but smell other scents, his ear twitched when he heard cats chatting.

" Over there!" He meowed as he spotted Sharpfur and Sparrowstar on the other side of a bush. "Let's hide in the bush, try not to make a sound!" He whispered to his sister and hid in the bush. Luckily he could see them from where he was and felt confusion spread through him as he saw two other cats facing Sharpfur and Sparrowstar. One was a white and lavender tom with blue eyes, the other was a white tom with a grey paw and a scar running from his eye to his back. Ravenkit leaned closer so he could hear them more clearly.

" So you didn't tell your medicine cat?" The white and lavender tom meowed. Sparrowstar nodded and licked his brown fur. " Good. I have always wanted to ally Ravenclan and Badgerclan together, I'll have to get my Clan to stop calling you squirrels." The tom giggled. 

" And what exactly will this alliance do?" Sharpfur asked, his eyes narrowed as if he didn't trust the other two. Ravenkit felt his heart pound faster, Ravenclan and Badgerclan were going to be allies? He hoped the rumor about Badgerclan was fake news, he didn't want to ally with a Clan like that!

" Eventually we will take over Moonclan and Rippleclan, this alliance will make both of our Clans stronger but of course  Ravenclan will need to act more like we do." The white tom with the big scar replied. Ravenkit ignored the urge to ask questions, he knew that he and Darkkit shouldn't be here.

" And what new thing will Ravenclan need, Thistlestar?" Sparrowstar asked. Ravenkit suddenly felt uneasy, if they found him spying would they attack him? Thistlestar must be the Badgerclan leader and the white tom with a grey paw was probably Tundraclaw.

" Only one thing, for now, kits will not become apprentices, they will just go straight to a  warrior," Thistlestar announced. Ravenkit had to bite down to stop himself from gasping and Darkkit started to shuffle backward.

" But without training, they are useless in battle!" Sharpfur cried. " My kits are nearly ready to be apprentices, I don't want them to go through this!" Sharpfur hissed. Ravenkit didn't want to listen anymore, he wanted to be in his nest with Nightpatch and be sleeping still knowing that he would soon be an apprentice.

" Ravenkit and Darkkit can learn from cats around them, don't forget that they are my kin to. A kit with a leaders and deputy's blood is powerful." Sparrowstar reminded Sharpfur. If Sharpfur argued again, Ravenkit didn't hear. He darted from under the bush and raced back to camp. Whatever lied ahead, Ravenkit was scared to face it.

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