Chapter 11 - If It's Wet

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Allison Davis

After my multiple meltdowns in front of Silas and the discovery of the black box, I felt thoroughly embarrassed to show my face around him. When Monday rolled around, I was not prepared for the skit in any way, shape, or form.

The spirit days were all I was thinking about. It was lucky, really, that Homecoming was that week. It gave me something to think about through the emotional shock I'd gotten on Sunday.

"What do you mean you forgot about the skit?" Grace screeched on Monday morning.

"I mean I had other things going on," I muttered. "Can we just postpone it?" Grace sighed.

"We can do it Thursday and Friday, I suppose," she relented.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I grinned at her but she didn't return it.

"Whatever," she grunted. "You owe me."

"Of course."

At lunch, I holed myself up in my room and I was thankful that Grace, Finn, and Silas just stayed in his room across the hall. "What are you doing?"

"Oh hey Maggie," I had gagged on my salad. "Just- er- eating my lunch!" I forced a cheerful smile on my face but it wasn't very convincing.

"Right, but you're usually doing that with Ms. Clarke and stuff," Maggie frowned. "You don't look so good. Why did you miss Sunday Night Dinner yesterday?"

"Oh," I wracked my brain to find something to say. "Er... I saw Simon." At least that was truthful. Maggie's face slid into a sly and mischievous form.

"Oh, were you busy?" I sighed. As much as I wanted to grin and say no in the girliest fashion to keep in her in the dark, I knew I couldn't lie to her. In some ways, she was one of my closest friends.

"No, we... um, we broke up," I admitted. Maggie's grin melted from her face and she gave me a wary look.

"Why?" I couldn't blame her for being unsure. There was nothing wrong with our relationship. Everyone thought we would be married soon. I guess we would've if I hadn't fallen asleep.

Another wave of guilt washed over me. "I... it's complicated, Maggie," I hedged and she sighed.

"It had something to do with the neighbors, didn't it?"

"Yes, how did you guess?"

"Milo seems like the kind of guy to give the wrong first impression," she admitted, shrugging. "And Silas and you are good friends, so anyone could get the wrong idea."

I sighed. "Yeah it was something like that."

"But it's okay, isn't it? Grandpa didn't like Simon and we all know that he has the best judgment of people. And even you said you didn't love him," Maggie rambled.

"Apparently he loved me, though," I replied sadly. "Otherwise he wouldn't have shown up to propose."

Maggie's jaw fell slack and if I weren't so depressed, she might even look comical. "He... what?"

"I found the black box afterwards," I explained. "He'd thrown it to the ground during the fight."

"But... why?"

I snorted. "It's not that far fetched. We've been together for a while now."

"Yeah but you wouldn't have..."

"I would've said no," I told her firmly.


I opened my mouth but paused, unsure what to say. My normal answer caught in my throat and I wasn't sure if it was so true anymore. "I'm just not ready for that to be a part of my life," I said slowly. "I'm not ready for any kind of relationship right now." I found the words to be completely and utterly true. "I don't want to have a boyfriend or a fiancé."

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