Moving In

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"Alice! Come on or the portal will close!" my mother yelled, from outside. "Coming!!" I yelled back to her as I rushed out the house grabbing my favorite stuffy. I reach beside my mother "Are you ready?" she asked, concerned touching my shoulder. "Yeah..." I said as I looked back at the our house "I'm going to miss this place." Tears fell from my eyes "I know sweetheart but it's time to go" she said. We walked through the portal hand in hand not looking back, seeing a new world and future ahead of us.

"Names" a deep voice said, nearly scaring me to death. "Spring Water and Alice Water." my mother said, looking very brave and not bothered. "Age" the voice said again, "50 and 18." As my mother answered some question's, I looked up and saw who was asking my mom question's. My blood quickly turned cold as I saw a huge tall centaur bull. He's fucking huge!!

"The Water's. We have everything for your stay" he said "Here is your car keys, address, and keys to your new home. If you have any question's I will be here." He gave her the everything we needed "Thank you so much sir" she said and she squeezed my hand, signalling me to say something. "T-thank you sir" I said smiling, "Your welcome. Enjoy your life here" he said moving so we can pass "We will" she said.

We started to walk to where the car is. "Did you see how huge he was!" I said exaggerating. "Alice stop it. You're being rude. Next time you see him you will be kind" she said hitting me in the back of my head. "Ow! Fine" I crossed my arms.

"Hey is that it?" I asked looking at the car, "Yeah. Its the same car we hand on the surface" she laughed opening the car. We put our luggage in the car peacefully. We drove off afterwards as we talked about what we were going to do. We later found our house "Mom?" "Yes Alice?". " Why are we living on a hill?" I asked curiously. "Well, we get to see a full view. Isn't that nice?" she asked smiling, "I guess" I said as I slouched in the seat.

We parked the car. We got out the car "Welcome!" a nice a sheepy voice yelled. I looked and saw a sheep waving her hoof in the air. My eyes couldn't believe what it was seeing. My mother waves back to the sheep. I couldn't move, I felt I was glued when I noticed a bear was next to it. Is that normal!

My mother walked beside me and whacked me in the head again. "Ow! Could you not whack me in the head!" I yelled, touching the spot she whacked. "Don't judge" she said, giving me a warning tone. I sighed and pulled my attention to the house. The house is gorgeous even a Sakura tree is next to it. We grabbed our luggage with the help with Mary, the sheep and David, the bear.

We got to know each other. Mary and David is the ones that helped my mother with house and everything else. "Are you both ready for the Ball?" Mary asked. "Ball? What Ball?" My mother asked confused. "Yes the Ball. We should go shopping!" Mary said excited, squeezing David's arm. "The Ball is for welcoming your race and finding a bride and groom for the King and Queens for their two sons and one daughter" David said, trying to calm down Mary.

"Oh! That sounds fun" my mother said, "When does it start?" "It starts 5:50 but we can go shopping at 3:12" she said. "Great! 3:12 it is" mother said smiling. Later they helped unpack and settle in. Mary and David became family to use. I call them Aunty sheep and Uncle bear, of course, I got smacked in the head but I got approval to call them that. "You have another uncle too" Uncle bear said. "Really? What's he like?" I asked curious. "Well he's-" "David! Alice will never meet him" my mother said interrupting David.

I left to go to my new room, when Mary and David left. I opened my bedroom door but it was dark inside. I got confused, Wasn't the light on? I started to feel the wall for switch or something. Why is the room so dark?! I can't see anything. I groaned but finally felt a switch on the wall. Let there be light!! I turned the knob on the wall and light slowly came on. I got in the room and looked at the light knob I totally forgot the name if but why the hell are you so far?!

I sighed and look around the room. The room is very spacious like you can fit a lot of people in here. I went toward the bed. A curtain hovered over the bed. I carefully touched the curtain and clawed in through the curtain to get on the bed. A paper layed on the bed. Turn off the lights and see the magic. -Mary and David
I shrugged my shoulders and ran toward the light knob. I turned it until it got dark. I carefully walked toward the bed and crawled in. I layed on my back. My eyes shined in amusement. Stars was on my ceiling. "Wow..." I whispered.

"Alice! It's time to go out!" my mother yelled. I didn't want to move. "Alice?" I heard my said my name again. "I'm on the bed" I said. I heard shuffling then felt the bed dip. "Its beautiful isn't it?" she asked laying beside me. "It's awesome. It feels so real that I can reach up and touch it" I said reaching my hand out to the ceiling. My mother giggled "It does seem so" she said "I hope we can enjoy it here. I know it's a new move, a very weird move but-" "Mom we are going to be fine" I interrupted her. We look at each other and smiled. We're going to be just fine.

Chapter 1 completed know for the rest of the chapters😶. I hope you cheesecakes enjoyed this chapter. Yes, will call you guys cheesecakes because I can😻😳😇😈😹😸. Please comment on what you think and vote too.

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