chapter 32

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"la da dee la da daaa..singing in the shower" I sung while throwing my head back

"thats not all youll be doing" austin mumbled bit instoll heard him

wish me luck ...if you know what im saying

leahs pov...

4 months later..

so im finally done with my tour..actually im glad im dont bc i have a lot going on these to 2 weeks..first baby is due in 2 im excited. .anddd when i was on my little tour i met this wonderful gay friend..I mean he knows everything. .well he is to me.mmits like hes my new bestfriend.. buy hes not.. and speaking of bestfriend. Emily is in a coma...she had a baby girl and when she was having it she knocked out. . it took hours to know what the hell is going onm. because I was being skyed by her mom but they finally announced  that shes in a coma..I cried for days....well hours..she has been in their for almost  5 days now and they say she has no chance of wakimg up but I do...but as for her baby..emilys mother Sierra Leone wanted me to keep her...I hesitated for a couple days press on the green because she has nobody her dad is nowhere to be found , her grandparents are getting old..their not like my mother..their in the mom just turned 47 last month so...but anyways yeah Sierra suppose to be here in a week..she could have been here today but shes afraid of airplanes so shes driving..right im waiting on know. .my gay friend lol yeah hes ....yeah...a one knows about him except my ppl pn tour....but im here alone actually my mom got the kids for today austin went on a run..he should be back  any minute now he went a while ago...and im vored as hell while laying on the couch

"knock knock. .open this bitch" keke said knocking on the door

"yoi know you could have just knocked on it like a normal person or just opened it stupid ass" I said laughing and laying back on the couch

"well what fun would that be" he said straddling me

"it doesn't suppose to be fun..idiot" i said as I watched him rub my stomach

"uhhh come out cutie...I cant wait for my god babay to come....."

"your not turning him gay....I dont want a

gay.child running around here and austin would beat me and your ass" I said laughing

"ohhh..austin...when is he coming..I only saw him on your phone but never in person"he sais kissing my stomach

"what !?? how on my phone" I Giggled

"im a snoop..that's what I do" he said flipping the hair as if his hair was suppose to be there

"whatever. .. and stop moving " I said holding his hips

"mmm like this" he said rubbing up and down

"hahaha hahaha yes haha" I said. .I screamed and started laughing again I didn't realize the door had opened and shut umtil someone spoke up

"leah what the hell" austin said looking in disgust..only bc for one keke had on all these colors with pink dye in his hair. .and had a leather jacket on with a colorful tight shirt and well my hair a mess ..thats the only thing he could see head and to kekes torso

"haha what" I said laughing. .I tgought it was. no be deal..because I know whats going on but austin didn't even answer he charged at keke and started pounding him

..ok ..maybe this is the time to tell him

"austin...AUSTIN...STOP. .....HES GAY..AUSTIN STOP HES GAYYY" I kept repeating that until austin stopped and looked at me..this gave keke time to punch austin will hit austin in the nuts and get from under gim and run to the other side of the room

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