The Death of A Sister

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An 8 year old Naruto... Tries too play with his older sister Deiwa but she rejects him.. she doesn't wqnt too have anything too do with him.


"Deiwa Please take me"!

"I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR MEE EVER"!! She starts hitting Naruto with her elbow then slowly kicks the shit out of him.

The villagers laughed at him.

"How pitiful he seeks sympathy from his own sister... but she doesn't even want him around"!!

Deiwa leaves into the unknown just like Kakashi Hatake and the 5th Hokage ordered.

"Kakashi you have too kill Deiwa...

or else the village will be in ruins"! "I know this is a very hard descision to ask of you... but this task needs too be completed"!!!

Kakashi-Sensei and Jiraiya have a tracking device implanted on Ms.Namikaze's shoulder. Everyone in the village was at ease after the nine-tailed fox incident.

Jiraiya headed west of the village while Kakashi headed North. They did this too cover more ground too see if there was not a trace of her

too be found.

'This is Bad'

"Not too worry Kakashi Some ANBU's already captured her and are waiting for our arrival"!!

Kakashi teleports too our direction. He doesn't even look his student in the eye. He could still her protests as he jabs her in the stomach with such force. He pulls out the bomb making his electricity activating it.

It explodes in his hand but he uses Kamui too make it dissapear. He grabs Deiwa's almost lifeless body.

"I'm very sorry Kakashi"!!

He puts his hands over his shoulder

comforting him. Not in a gay way either.

"Sen...Sei... i....can't...."!! She dies on his knees.

Naruto shivers with fear.

'Why would Kakashi-Sensei kill Deiwa'?!

Jiraiya -Senses another chakra signature.


"Shit... Naruto just witnessed what we did"!!!

"We can't have him spreading word about this too the villagers"!!

"You should goo after him"!!

The ANBU's sort of blamed Kakashi for his mishaps. This is not going too go down well.

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