Chapter One

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Friedas POV (Fri is produced Free)

I watched as the CD slowed down to a halt, and removed it. Another one immediately took its place, and soon enough All Time Low was filling the small music shop.

Contently, I sighed.

I loved All Time Low.

Also, I loved the small music shop, where I worked. Well, I kind of had to love it. It's not like I have many job options, after dropping out of school. I want to pursue my dream of being in a band. But that obviously won't happen. I'm just a young girl from Sydney. You had to be special (not to mention talented) to make it in the music business. But I had little talent, and I wasn't special. Now Joey, on the other hand, had talent. His guitar skills were amazing. But I had the music shop. Only three people worked here, and hardly anyone ever came. So, it was really just an excuse to blast whatever music I felt like.

"Do I hear ATL?" A cheery voice called out.

A grin was pinned onto Mollie's face as she appeared in the door way. A stack of CD's rested in her tattooed arms, obviously about to topple over. She may be the youngest at 17, but she is the most punk rock out of all three of us.

"Here, let me take them." A chuckled escaped my pierced lip. A piercing was as far as I would go, I wasn't brave enough to get a tattoo.

Gently, I set the CDs down, and spun round to see Mollie doing some rather strange dancing.

Her pale blue hair bobbed up and down in her small ponytail, her thick black rimmed glasses bounced up and down on her nose, her blue grey eyes sparking with life. She was like the little sister I never had.

"Come on Frieda! Join me!"

I scowled playfully at the name.

"Okay, I hate that name. Just please call me Fri. But how can I say no to you?".

I felt really sorry for Casper, our boss, who walked into the scene of me and Mollie dancing. Our dancing was, to say it nicely, horrific.

"Guys, I believe this is a music shop, not a twelve year olds birthday party...".

The 23 year old shook his head, trying to stifle a laugh.

"Oh come on Casper, you know you want to.".

He sighed, faking a reluctant look.

"Well, yes.. I do want to.".

And that's how we all ended up dancing like idiots.

I don't know how he puts up with us girls.

It was just our luck a that customer came in right then.

"Nice dancing!". Two guys stood in the door way, the one in front laughing.

The other one just smiled slightly.

I was drawn to him.

He was wearing a faded black beanie, which a mop of caramel curls fell out of. Hazel eyes stared at the floor. There was an unusual look in his eyes. It looked like fear.

He was hauntingly gorgeous.

"Sorry, I feel like I'm interrupting something." The first dude said. His hair was green. Bright green.

"No, no... Welcome! Can I help you with anything?".

I smiled at him. I wanted to smile at the other boy, but I'm afraid I might scare him. I feel like he's vulnerable, for some reason. Also, he reminded me of the boy in the park.

He had the same look in his eyes.

"Um, Yeah... Where are the 1D CDs?".

I didn't bother trying to hide my laugh.

"Nice taste in music!".

"It's not for me! It's for my sister...".

I just giggled, and lead the two boys.

When we arrived at the stand, the mysterious boy had gone.

"Um, I think your mate wandered off.." I mumbled.

His eyes widened.

"Oh no. Ash!". He called out , really loudly, might I add. A look of worry struck his pale green eyes.

"I'll find him, you look at the CDs.".

I left him to look for the boy,

I found him in the far corner.

"Um, hey? Your friends looking for you..".

He looked up at me. The fear in his eyes was strong.

"Where is he?" He whispered.

I signalled over to the other guy. You could just see his hair. Mind you, you could probably see his hair from anywhere.

The boy grabbed his beanie, tugged it down further, and scurried off. If he pulled that beanie down anymore, his eyes wouldn't be showing.

"Ash! You know you scare me when you run off.".

He pulled the smaller boy into a hug, towering over him. They didn't look similar, so I don't think there brothers. Maybe they're dating? Or just really close.

I heard the beanie boy, or as the green dude has previously said, Ash, mumble something along the lines of "I'm sorry Mikey, I panicked.".

Why would he panic? He looked perfectly calm.

"I've got my CD, so we can pay for it, and go straight back..".

The two boys walked over to the till.

I swear I hear green guy mumble 'I knew this was a bad idea...".

"Just this today, sir?" Caspar asked, smiling.

"Yeah, thanks." They seemed to be in a rush.

Casper handed him a bag. "Come back soon!".

I had a feeing they wouldn't.

As they walked out of the door, I saw it.

The tip of a tail.


Hi! I love hybrid stories, so I'm writing one :) this is coming in September , but if it gets, like, 10 votes, I may start sooner :) Please tell me what you think, cause if no one likes it, I'll delete it.

-Ellie x

Meow ; a.i [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant