Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Maxine's head throbbed as she slowly woke up but refused to open her eyes. "Ugh," she muttered to herself as she stretched and gripped her head.

After rubbing at the ache in the side of her head, she frowned as she felt a bump under her finger and didn't know where it came from. Not until her memory came back with the strength of a bag of bricks hitting her and her eyes snapped open and she sat up from what felt like a sleeping bag.

Max blinked away the speckles in her vision from sitting up too fast, and quickly looked around. She was in a room with beige walls and it was extremely big, with multiple windows on the side but it looked like they were on the second floor if she was seeing correctly and below the window was a fire escape. I'm the sky was black storm clouds that released rain droplets all over the towns ground and building.

She turned her head and she saw that there was a bunch of sports equipment pushed against a pair of double doors, and next to that was a table and chairs. There were two other doors, leading to other rooms or hallways and she was curious as to why they brought her here.

Maxine stood but before she took a step to men came walking out of double doors and a short hallways was behind it. Maxine took a step back, reaching for her daggers but her belt was gone with their sheaths.

"You're awake!" The British male who held the gun to her greeted, although he seemed less scared.

And stuttery.

And timid.

He just acted like a completely different person but with the same facial features. P

"Uh sorry about hitting you over the head, I saw you elbow Chase and I got pretty scared," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck that was below a set of curly brown hair but it was surprisingly neat and was way more neat than it was before.

She hasn't had a good look at him at first because she was too focused on the gun, but now that she looked at him she had to admit these two males were pretty attractive. Maybe it was the fact she hadn't actually seen a living male aside from her brothers in months.

The one on the left was tall, the male that was named Chase and who she assumed had the deep voice. He was extremely tall and was well over six feet, and was carrying hard muscles on his tanned skin. His face held a strong and sharp jaw line and his eyes were a dark brown, darker than the brown hair on his head that was cut pretty short, but was long enough to run his fingers through. His clothes were surprisingly clean, them being a pair of dark blue jeans and a black T- shirt.

On the right was the British male who was shorter than Chase, but taller than Max. Maybe he was 5'11 or 6'. She didn't know but she could just tell he was shorter. He had a swimmers like body, lean and he did have muscles but nothing crazy like Chase's, and his face had a pair of high cheek bones, a smooth jawline, and grey eyes. His outfit was a white shirt and a grey jacket over it with blue jeans, them being neat as well.

Maxine stopped herself from checking the two out for too long and she looked at them, her guard up. "Where's my stuff?" Maxine demanded once the male stopped talking.

"It's inside... but we're no threat to you so you don't have to worry. Well we're not a threat until you make us one," Chase stated, his voice a deep rumble.

"Well why am I here? I don't have any relations to you and I should really get going," Max stated, her eyes locked on them.

"You're right, but I doubt you'd want to go down there right now. There are probably about... four dozen zombies below us and it wouldn't be smart. Anyway, I'm Cas and this is Chase. You?" Cas questioned, a smile on his face.

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