Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Maxine gasped as the front of her body was pushed against the wall, her arms being brought behind her back forcefully.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The voice demanded, it being unfamiliar and deep. Max figured that this stranger might not be the brightest considering the fact that he's asking her questions while covering her mouth.

Maxine let out a breath of air in annoyance out her nose and stomped her foot down, missing once before landing on the males foot, and then bit his hand. "Get off me." Maxine demanded, pushing him away as he went between grabbing his hand and foot.

"Son of a bitch," he cursed in pain, looking up to look at Max but she kept her distance. "You really shouldn't expect an answer when someone can't speak," She deadpanned, "now who are you?" She asked but got interrupted by the male tackling her, it causing her to fall over and land on her back.

"Jesus Christ!" Max yelled as she didn't expect that to happen and it's scared her, "Get off me you oversized dildo!" She demanded, trying to use her feet to push him off her but it didn't work since he was too heavy.

A moment later, Chase and Cas came through the double doors with Jay a bit behind to see what was happening. "Ian, get off her! She's a friend, her name is Max," Cas instructed as Chase moved over to Ian and began to lift him off of Max.

She slid her way away from the male and stood, picking up the towel and clothes that fell with her backpack. "So this is Ian?" She muttered, sending him a glare. "Not the brightest," she said with a huff. "He tried to ask me a question while covering my mouth. What was that for anyway?"

"Well if you scream, it'll just attract the zombies," Ian explained simply as he rubbed at his hand where she bit him, then placing it into his pocket.

"Told you he was a dumbass," Chase muttered and elbowed his brother in the side.

"Oh come on, I didn't know we'd have a hot chick here when I got back. Besides, she could have snuck in here and then hurt you all, I probably saved you. So you're welcome," Ian then said proudly which earned an eye roll in annoyance from Max, and a shake of the head from his brother.

"Well I wouldn't take a shower and walk around so calmly around here if I wanted to kill anyone. You should probably ask questions first before pinning someone against the wall,"

"What about the dinner first?" Ian said, raising his eyebrows suggestively at max which earned a groan of disgust. "I've known you for five minutes and you're already being gross, really?"

"Okay that's enough," Cas interrupted with a shake of his head, stepping in between the two. "Ian, what are you doing back so early, you're not supposed to be here for two more days," Cas said to change the subject, looking towards the tall, blond male.

Ian shrugged his broad shoulders and leaned against the wall casually, "Well we got the stuff we needed early. Besides we only lost one guy this time so that's good I guess," he explained. "I have to go back in a few days however. Probably count the supplies and then go on another mission."

"Do you think they'll help us soon? We really have to get going," Chase then asked, his arm wrapped around Cas' waist as they stood.

"I don't know, I'm still trying to get on their good side but it's working. Slowly but surely," Ian answered, looking at Cas then to Chase.

Maxine bit her lip gently as she didn't know what they were talking about. Get going? Where are they headed?

"Well anyway, I'm going to finish up dinner, and you guys talk amongst yourselves," Cas said, going on his toes to give Chase a kiss and then worked his way to the kitchen that had a little portable stove top on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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