About last night Prt.2

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I listened to the exact same words I didn’t wanted to hear. It felt like painful and quick stabs. He was so mad. Of course he was, how couldn't I see that coming. I feared a moment liked this, a moment when we would be so mad that we wouldn’t care about each other feelings anymore

"You disappear, don’t show up for so many time and now you seem concerned?!"

"But I did it for a reason!" I tried to day.

"She was cheating on-"

"For God's sake. You were drunk! how can you be so sure?" He looked me in the eyes, stood silent and I hesitated.
“That’s what I thought”

There was no reason, to answer he wouldn't believe me. He turned around and I saw him go.

That night I went to the bar but This time it was different. I was looking for something different. When I saw him, I waited till he saw me, and as I expected he smiled and came to sit by my side.

“So you came” he was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, he had a long silver chain as a necklace. Simple but cool.

“This is not just your place, Jimin.” I said while taking a sip, he laughed.

“So what do you want to drink”

“Whatever you’re having”

“Sure” I said and ordered a glass vodka.

“You don’t joke about it. Don’t you?” he said, surprised, as he realized what was the drink. I just shrugged.

“So how did it go?”

“As good as it could go. Terrible.”

“He didn’t believe you”

“Not a single word” I sighed.

“Shit, worst for her” he said.

“For him” I corrected.


“Can you tell me what we talked about?

That time. If you don’t mind. I need to know how many secrets I told you”

“Mmm you told me you’re a university student aaand you talked about how much you wanted to have a big dog to make people scared of you.”

“Did I?” I said. “What the hell” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Nothing you have to be worried about I guess.” He said. “Oh and you told me how much you hate that drink” he pointed out at my hand.

“Shit. I told you too much. I will have to kill you now.” I said and we both laughed.

“Everyone has his reasons” I shrugged, there was a small silence and I looked up at him. He looked at me and for a moment I thought he could see through that thick wall I had built in front of me, what isolated me from everyone, so I Iooked away and it stopped. I wasn’t going to tell him.

“Well you should better start talking about yourself, because If not, this is going to be very unfair and boring.”

“What do you want to know” he rested his arms on the table and his head on his fists.

“What do you do? Why are you here?”

"To be honest. I’m here because I like drinking. But just in the weekends. And I also study, but my father wants me to work for his business as soon as I finish the carrier."

“Oh he’s a business man”

“Yeah and he wants me to be it too.”

I nodded. “Is that what you want?”

“It’s okay.” He shrugged.

I smiled. I wished I could be like him.

“I saw you dancing, do you usually do it?”

“I used to, but I haven’t done it in some time. I’m just lazy” I lied. “Wait you saw that? Oh God.” I face palmed myself.

He laughed “If you were able to dance even after drinking that much then I can bet you’re a good dancer.” He said “I hope you do it again, it was cool.”

“I have another question” I said trying to change the subject. “Do you have a girlfriend? Because if you have it, then our friendship is over” I said with a chuckle.

“Oh so you consider me as a friend. I feel honored.”

I gave him a poker face and he started laughing.

“Im gonna kick your-”

“and no I don’t have. How about you?” He said and I just kept my poker face on.


“Do I look like someone who would have a boyfriend? I’m too wasted for that.” I laughed again.

“Yeah sure” he said taking his phone.

“Now give me your phone number”
I frowned.

“Friends should have each other number shouldn’t they?”

“I was going to give it anyways” I said crossing my arms.

“tch friends, of course, what was I thinking of” I murmured.

“What?” he raised his head.


I started saying numbers.

“What do you do as a hobby” I said while I unlocked my phone.

“I would like to tell you I do something interesting but I actually play games”

“Really what games?”

“Tom rider, Outlast, Over watch, Detroit…”

“Wait. You have Detroit?” I said and looked at him, my jaw dropping to the floor.

“Do you like it?”

“Do lions eat meat? Of course I like it. I’ve always wanted to play but I don’t have the damn computer or TV or whatever thing you need to play that.”

He laughed. “Then you could come to play with me.”

I received the message and add him as a contact.

“I know this may sound like an excuse, but you could come to my house and we could play, if you want.”

“An excuse for what? Don’t worry, you wouldn’t be able to force into anything. I could beat you up in no time, you’re so thin.” Suddenly he turned serious. He was the one with the poker face at the moment and it was so funny I started cracking up.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just joking, please let me play.”

“You know I was going to let you win, but now I’m just going to beat your ass”

“Oh c’mon” I said but I was still laughing and he joined soon.

“Yeah c’mon let’s go”

“Wait now?”

“Yeah it’s pretty early”

“Its 00:00”

“Are you going to tell me it's late?”

“True.” I said as I jumped of my seat and followed him.

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