The best things happen in bed

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{Ive changed the way Debbie looks in this chapter to make her be a thicker girl with thick thighs and a chubby stomach and Ignatius is gonna be a bit younger than 10 but Roman is gonna stay 14 and let's just let Lou think he's gay}

I didn't have a change of clothes and I was a bigger girl than Lou was so I doubt she'd have any pyjamas I could borrow. I walked out of the bathroom in my underwear and into the bedroom most likely to be hers. She was naked and didn't see me and screamed. "Shhhh the neighbours are sleeping" and laughed at her "I'm sorry for scaring you I just came to say I don't have a change of clothes so it's either sleeping in dirty wet clothes or my ugly body sleeping nakedly next to you."

"I quite like the thought of that you know? You're hot, gorgeous, better than that asshole so why don't we carry on from where we left off before we got here?" I nodded eagerly and pressed my lips against hers pushing her onto her bed. She decided she wanted to be top so we flipped over.

Lou's POV

I passionately kissed Debbie's lips receiving a moan in response. I began kissing and biting at her neck leaving a mark to show how she makes me feel. She took off her bra for me and i smiled at her perky breasts that were already hard under my touch. I sucked on her nipple whilst playing with the free one. She moaned a raspy moan and that turned me on even more.

I pressed my leg in between her legs as I kissed her lips, instantly feeling her wetness on my knee. "Mm someones turned on" I told her and she blushed and ushered me to carry on.

I placed small kisses on her stomach as I went lower. She moaned giggling at it. I ran my nail along her panties, teasing her, feeling her wetness. "We should sleep, look at the time"I said. I looked at the time, almost 4 in the morning. She sighed at me leaving her at such a cliffhanger. "Okay." She got under the covers and faced away from me. "I'll carry on tomorrow if you like?" I slid in next to her and put my arms around her, her brown locks of hair falling in front of my face. She nodded. "So what are we? You need to get a divorce paper, and we only just met yesterday." She mumbled at me. "We'll figure that out soon" the next thing we know we're knocked out clean and fast asleep.

Debbie's POV

I woke up to the sound of screaming kids and the smell of bacon. I arose out of bed and realised I was naked. I wrapped a dressing gown around myself and proceeded to go downstairs. "Mmmm something smells nice" I sighed, the smell reminding me of the way my mother used to cook. "Oh you're cooking pancakes too? Get in!" I smiled at her hugging her from behind. "Good morning to you too honey" I laughed "you're funny" I turned around to sit at the table and felt a tap on my back. And I turned around and saw one of Lou's children behind me.

"I heard you and mommy making funny noises last night, were you in pain?" He innocently asked.

"Um" I said and looked towards Lou, who just giggled at his statement.

"Me and Debbie here just had stomach ache from some food we ate last night Ignatius. Now why don't you go sit down and I'll bring your food to you?" She lied.

"Okay mommy, I love you" Ignatius replied. "I love you too sweetie"

"So what's the other boys name?" Pointing towards the other boy. "Oh he's Roman, he doesn't talk much, always playing video games" she leant in towards me and whispered "I'm pretty sure he's gay" she smirked at me. "He must get it from you then?" She punched my arm and gave me a plate of food whilst saying "shut the fuck up" I shook my head and she gave plates of food to her two sons and sitting next to me with a cup of coffee.

"You not eating?" I questioned. She shook her head, "I'm not a morning eater" I began eating the pancakes and moaned. "Holy fuck these are so good" I commented.

"The noise, that's the noise I heard last night" Ignatius told us.

I felt Lou's hand slip into the dressing gown and squeeze my leg. She leant over and whispered in my ear "no underwear how sexy" and began inserting her fingers in me and rubbing my clit. I fake coughed covering my mouth to stop myself from moaning. She went faster and a moan slipped out. Both sons turned around from the tv. "Shit" I mumbled.

"Mom what the fuck?" Roman yelled and Lou slipped her fingers back out. "I'm gonna go the the bathroom, can I borrow some clothes?" I asked. "I'm sure there's some in the wardrobe" and I smiled.

<{pretty long chapter lmao}>

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