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Debbie's POV

"Mom, you better explain what the hell that was all about! Dad only left last night and now you're into women?" I heard Roman yell.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that! I'm your mother and you'll speak to me with respect" is all I could hear Lou spit out. I found some baggy looking clothes and put my dirty underwear back on and got changed, Picking up my dirty clothes from yesterday. I sat at the top of her stairs and cried. I don't know why. The tears just fell. I wrote her a note giving her my number and address and walked downstairs still crying.

"I'm gonna leave, catch a bus or a cab or something I'm sorry for everything. For ruining your life. Especially you Roman." I gave her the note and left, the tears streaming down my face. I had $40 cash, deciding to buy a bottle of Jack Daniels, vodka and coke hoping to have enough for the bus as well.

I called my best friend Tammy, telling her everything that had happened in the past 24 hours and not knowing why I was so emotional about it all.

I bought the alcohol and a bus ticket and went home, hoping to get rid of everything that happened.

I entered my home and began taking shots of vodka and coke and shots of JD and coke. I was soon drunk out of my head when I received a text.

Unknown number: hey it's Lou, what was all that all about? Hope you're okay, I'm sorry.

Debbie: I'm tpo drunk tio rspjy too tgat

Lou: at this time? It's only 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Debbie: why di you care? Aftsr today I fsel like a totsl embarrassment. It's akl yoir fault. If it wasn't fot you, we woildmt be where wr are now.

Lou: don't be like this, I'm sorry okay?

I blocked her number and carried on taking shots of pure alcohol without the coke to get me more drunk until they were both empty. That's when I heard the door unlocking. I pulled out my gun and pointed it towards the door.

"Whoooo the fuck issss that?" I slurred my words to hear Tammys voice reply "it's me, Tammy so put your gun down" I lowered my gun trying finding more alcohol in my kitchen. "Debbie what are you doing?" She asked me. "Trying to forget." Grabbing a bottle of wine and taking a swig. "Debbie, stop being like this, you're being stupid, put it down and tell me what happened" she said. "Noooo I'm not telling anyyyyythingggg" I said. "Fine at least get some sleep, and I'll tidy up"

That's when it happened. The moment of when I leant in and fucking kissed her. What the fuck was I thinking? Some unnatural force took over me. "Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. I'm so sorryyyyyy" that's when I saw the blonde haired figure in the window, in tears, and I rush out, Lou already at the bottom of the door steps, and me frantically apologising.

And that's when I fell, down the steps, right onto Lou. We were face to face our breath hot on each other's mouths. "You stink, get a shower. It'll do you good" she pushed me off of her. We got up, and I drunkenly said "I'm sorryyyyy, I didn'tttt meaannnn tooooo do thatttt"

"I don't care, I came to see what was going on with you, since you left without explanation and then you drunkenly blame it on me, and then block me with out explanation, and then you go and kiss your best friend." She yelled.

"Well it was your fault, you were the one who turned up at the bar, lead her on, and you took her to your house. And guess what she did? She saved you. She saved your life. And yeah, she did one thing wrong, and you're willing to give up what was supposed to be a one night stand turned into some kind of love? You're not the only one who's been through a tough time. Debs has had one hell of a shit life, but she's not willing to open up just yet. So why don't you actually stick around? For once in Debbie's life, it'd be nice for her." Tammy raised her voice ever so slightly.

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