Elastic Bond

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We've all had those moments in life where we either have bonds that either  have gone good or bad. They can possibly change our life depending on how good it goes, though they aren't always going to be the best.

It's like having a rubber band stretch out so far that you don't know if it's going to break or keep its structure , that's how it will probably feel. We've had people or experiences that have held very close to us that we will never know if they will be  staying there or go away somehow.

I've had good or bad experiences in life or met people who are complete crap. Either I'm going to remember or completely forget because obviously we're not going to care eventually because it's not like it's going to affect who we are or going to change.
It's like if a volcano erupts and ashes and lava was spreading everywhere . We won't be able to know that the volcanoes is going to erupt again because it's either what's happening now and then.

It's like having feelings for someone . You know that this person that you like is either a. Going to like you back and they could be just doing it to get attention or actually like you for you for once in your life b. They just don't like you because they just aren't your type.

If you ever do become a thing because of those emotions that you felt and they do to, well then you're in luck because people are going to think that you guys probably aren't going to last depending on how it goes. I'm not the one who likes talking about relationships a ton because we don't completely understand what "love" even is when we are young but we will have emotions.

I just don't completely understand how people who are young and have these emotions . They thinking this fantasy of " we're going to be together forever and have kids and blah blah blah." KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU'RE YOUNG , YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR OWN EMOTIONS QUITE YET COMPLETELY BUT YOU PARTIALLY DO.  

When we're a little bit older, we all have hopefully some common sense than when we were young because we just didn't have  any when we were young .We're just thinking that life is easy flowing but  if you think ,it's probably going to hit us super hard.

We've also probably had  friendships from when we were kids to now . You probably won't completely remember all the people you met through the years , but they somehow left a memories in your mind . The friends that you have now are going to live life later on that are way different from what it's going to be.

It's like having that "bond" because you obviously trust the person enough to tell them stuff you probably have never told anyone before because you love them for who they are. (you wouldn't be friends obviously if you didn't.)

From where I am now, I have had way too many friend bonds. Some of them have broken but most of them are complete.

Having bonds can be different to anyone no matter what they are . Just think about either the bond being good or bad depending on what it is.

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