Death Note: The Musical

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"Empty your mind of any theories, 'til all the facts are in." -- L; Death Note (The Musical)

Overall I have to say this is an amazing musical.

First off, from what I've seen you cannot watch this musical in English, but for those of you who speak Japanese or Korean you can easily enjoy it in those countries or online!

For those of you who don't, do not fret, you can listen to the soundtrack and soon enough the whole thing will be in English. 

There are definitely a few flaws to this musical. In my opinion songs like "I'm Ready" were completely boring and just couldn't keep my attention. However the majority of the songs were amazing! The song "Mortals and Fools" was just plain GENIUS and emotional and just amazing overall. 

Not to mention how they touched up some of the characters compared to the manga and anime. though the characters looks mostly the same the shinigami were more human, and Rem was super feminine, and somehow this manages to send chills down your spine when you see them acting, because they aren't meant to be scary, they just give you an uneasy feeling like something by Tim Burton in a way.

 though the characters looks mostly the same the shinigami were more human, and Rem was super feminine, and somehow this manages to send chills down your spine when you see them acting, because they aren't meant to be scary, they just give you an ...

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One con in my opinion is that they made Misa Amane a singer rather than a model and that change seemed a little unnecessary. It doesn't do any real harm, i just didn't really like it myself.

However the music in this musical is phenomenal, and the acting in the Japanese version is amazing! 

I sure cannot wait for the English version, can you?

Japanese version:

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