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     grocery shopping, the worst thing possibly imagined, well to lance anyways.
"remind me why we're here again?" lance whined to isabél as they walked down the produce section of the market,
"because we're celebrating, hand me that lettuce please?" she said pushing the metal shopping cart down the aisle,
"but what are we celebrating?" he asked,
"as you might recall, we recently released a probe to measure the light emitted from a new type of bioluminescent algae a couple days ago, that's why" she explained grabbing some fresh tomatoes and placing them in a plastic bag,
"so, i just got the first readings back last night, so we're celebrating,"
"who's going?" he asked,
"pidge, matt, hunk, shiro, adam, keith and allura," she replied inspecting the different kinds of herbs,
"cool," lance said, "maybe i can flirt with keith some more, hit him with those fire pick up lines i have,"
"go for it," isabél replied.

     later that night, isabel's kitchen had been filled once more with laughter and smiles. know his sister, lance knew that isabél loved this, even as much as she seemed quiet sometimes.
"so, keith," lance said sliding over to the dark hair boy,
"no lance," he said immediately,
"i didn't even say anything!" lance protested,
"exactly," keith said taking a sip of his water,
"anyways, did it hurt when you feel from heaven?" lance asked. isabel's older sister instincts kicked in and she facepalmed.
"no, it didn't lance," keith said turning a stark red color, "that is the dumbest pick up line i've heard,"
"did it work though?"lance asked flashing him his classic lance smile. not now gay tendencies, keith thought to himself with a blush still on his face. once everyone had settled in to their seats, isabél took a wine glass and tapped it with a fork,
"ladies, gentlemen and pidge, i am proud to announce the we have just received our first set of data from the probe we released a couple days ago!" she announced proudly, "the probe as you know was to help analyze this new bioluminescent protozoa. we shall be the first to name the species, any ideas?" she asked,
"protozoa quintessence," allura said, "my father had always read me stories about the magical glowing dust that came from space," she explained, her voice tinged with emotion.
"perfect," isabél said raising her glass, "to protozoa quintessence!"
"protozoa quintessence!" everyone cheered after her. the rest of the night went smoothly, isabél invited them to stay the night since she had so many rooms.

     "psst, keith," lance whispered,
"what lance?" he replied annoyed,
"come with me on the beach, it's a full moon and it looks gorgeous," lance said grabbing keith's hand,
"woah wai-," he was cut off by the sudden movement of lance dragging him out the door.
"where are they going?" hunk asked pidge,
"probably gonna go kiss," pidge said smiling.

     the two had found themselves walking in the beach for what seemed like eternity. they had told stories of when they were kids. lance had told the story of when he had fought isabél for an ice cream, isabél won. keith told the story of how he met shiro when they were kids.
"hey keith?" lance asked still giggling from retelling his story,
"yes lance?"
"that is the nicest way you've answered me," lance said wiping away a small tear,
"keep doing that and i'll answer worse than i have been," keith threatened,
"ok, ok, gotcha," lance said chuckling, "well you know how we've been hanging out for a while?"
"yeah," keith knew what was coming, and he was ready,
"wanna, i don't know go surfing with me again tomorrow?" lance asked with a dusting of blush on his face. wait, what? where's the whole kissing thing? keith asked himself,
"yes, i would enjoy that," he answered. lance mentally did give backflips. even though it was a small victory, lance felt like he had just won the entire thing.
"alright, ten, tomorrow on the beach, got it?" he said looking at keith excitedly,
"alright dumb ass, don't be late,"
why would i be late to my own plans keithy boy?" lance asked keith laughing. keith's cheeks turned a light pink at the remark, keithy boy? is he five? keith thought to himself blushing.

     when they returned to the party, they found everyone huddled around the large tv in the living room.
"oh come on, are people that stupid? you can't just go in with just one ship," pidge yelled at the tv. they had all been watching star wars.
"pidge it's called a worthy sacrifice, now stop yelling at the tv," adam said as shiro wrapped his arm around adam's shoulder,
"not it's called being hella dumb," pidge said, "oh look who's back," they said wiggling their eyebrows.
"funny pidge, real fuckin funny," keith said sitting on the couch next to shiro. isabél gestured to lance to come to her,
"so, how'd it go?" she whispered to him,
"amazing, he said yes!" lance whisper shouted, keith looked over. turned a vermillion color and turned back to his sister,
"i'm so proud of you. look at you, my little brother, has a boyfriend," she wiped her eyes fake crying,
"well..." lance said scratching the bale of his neck, "not exactly,"
"what?" she said,
"i just kinda asked him to go surfing tomorrow with me, not a date, not yet," he explained,
"oh my god lance," she huffed pinching the bridge of her nose, "you gotta be serious,"
"i have a plan isabél, don't worry," he said assuringly, "now if you don't mind, i'm gonna go sit next to my soon-to-be-boyfriend," he said getting up from his half crouch over where his sister sat. he walked across the room, getting a small protest from matt and pidge saying that they couldn't see.
"hi," he said sitting down next to keith,
"you're a bad movie watcher you know that right?" keith said turning to the taller boy,
"you know you love me, you just can't handle it," lance replied. oh my god, he's right. he is gorgeous, keith thought to himself.

     once the movie had ended, everyone had gone to their respected rooms, allura and isabél stayed in isabel's room, matt, hunk and pidge slept in the living room cause pidge lived on couches. adam and shiro had gone home (;)). that left lance and keith staying with eachother.
"why is it always us together?" keith asked while brushing his teeth,
"maybe it's fate?" lance said wiggling his eyebrows,
"no, maybe someone upstairs hates me," keith suggested walking into lance's room,
"i'm hurt keithy boy, very hurt," lance said taking off his shirt and grabbing a pajama one. keith looked over and noticed how muscled lance was, he was lean and looked stronger than he did with a shirt on. no no no no no, not now of all times, keith said, thinking to himself again, with more blush than last time.
"you like what you see?" lance asked snapping keith out of his swirling thoughts,
"no, i think it's gross, lance, very gross," keith said shaking away his blush,
"are you sure?" lance said walking closer to keith, closing the space between them, "has anyone told you that you have gorgeous eyes?" lance asked looking into keith's eyes. at that moment, keith exploded into a bright, fire truck red.
"lance, you're very close," keith said quietly, trying to hide his blush,
"like the song says, space is just a word made up for someone who's afraid to get to close," he said grabbing keith's hands. lance began to sing and rocked keith into an awkward dance. he looked into lance's bright blue eyes as he sang. the moment ended leaving them in an awkward silence that seemed to crush them both.
"so," keith said, wringing his hands nervously, "are we gonna sleep now or what?"
"sure," lance said smiling, "you first," he said. they both lied down on the bed, lance wrapped a slender arm around keith's waist,
"good night keith,"
"good night lance."

hehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehe. also i just found out i live near one of my favorite wattpad writers and i've never been happier

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