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the memory of last night's events ran through keith's brain rapidly. no way it had happened, right? keith sat in lance's bed staring at the ornately decorated ceiling thinking. he hadn't noticed that lance had just woken up, looking at keith contently.
"good morning sleeping beauty," lance said, startling keith,
"don't call me that," keith shit back rolling on his side away from lance,
"oh honey, but your so beautiful when you sleep," lance said giggling at the blush that had just crept in keith's face, "guess what time it is?" he asked sliding his dark arms around the boy's torso,
"time for you to not do that," keith said trying to free himself from lance's iron grip,
"no silly, surfing time!" lance exclaimed jumping out of bed as landing in the cherrywood floor with a loud thud.
"how are we gonna surf today lance? it's clearly raining," keith groaned,
"you can still have fun in the rain mr downer," lance said, pulling off his shirt, "or would you rather resume what we had last night," his eyes shined at the statement.
"fine, no funny business though," keith said petting melon as she purred happily on the bed, "i forgot isabél had a cat,"
"welcome to the club," lance mumbled sitting at the edge of his bed, "we should do something today though, how about a movie?" he suggested looking down at keith,

it had been the first time lance was in the small port town isabél lived in. the town was small, it had a couple tourist stores, a grocery store and so forth. it also was a bit of a tourist town so there were a lot of cheesy signs and tourist traps. the movie theater was a medium sized building that seemed to be based off an old time theater.
"what movie do you wanna see?" lance asked as they approached the line to the ticket booth,
"let's do the new jurassic world one," keith replied looking through all the titles on the board in front of them,
"didn't know you were a dinosaur nerd," lance said giggling as he handed the cashier some money,
"what's wrong with that? i like watching a t-rex rip up stuff, plus chris pratt is hot as hell," keith said as the two approached another line for snacks,
"alright nerd,"
"stop calling me that."

the entire movie keith had a thought in the back of his mind, is he gonna act like last night didn't happen? should i say something? his thoughts were often interrupted by another dinosaur jumping out of something or someone shooting a gun.
"alright dino nerd, what was your favorite part of the movie?" lance asked as the exited the theater with the crowd,
"well mr. i-scream-at-everything, my favorite part of the movie was when my favorite raptor ever, blue, fought the indo-raptor," keith shot at lance,
"hey! those dinosaurs are hella scary and the jumpscares are really bad for my health," lance replied crossing his arms over his chest,
"ok madonna," keith said. ask him about last night, keith thought to himself while exiting the theater,
"so lance, um about last night," keith started, "what was that?"
"oh, well, i really like you, and i could tell you had some sort of attraction to me, so i went for it," lance replied scratching the name of his neck nervously, "also isabél said i should go for it, she said you were single for too long," he laughed nervously after that. keith stood in awe. his mind was racing with thoughts swirling in his head,
"y-you could tell?!" keith exclaimed, his face exploding into a deep shade of red,
"yeah," lance said nonchalantly, as they walked down the street towards the shops, "you're kinda obvious about it,"
"really?" keith asked,
"yeah," lance replied, opening the door to a small coffee shop. the two were greeted by the smell of coffee and cinnamon.
"hey guys!" a voice said from behind a small counter, it was hunk wearing a yellow apron with dustings of flour on it.
"it's about time you guys came in, i've been waiting for a while," he said chuckling,
"hunk, you own this place?!" lance asked loudly, stirring up the peace of the cafe,
"naw, my parents own this place, i work here with my siblings and cousins," he replied, "you guys want anything? coffee? tea?" he asked hustling over to the various machines on the counter.
"i'll have the regular hunk," keith said approaching the cavity in the counter.
"alright, matcha latte. lance, you want anything?" hunk asked, busying himself with keith's drink.
"what do you suggest keith?" he asked smiling at keith. his smile made keith brighten up inside.
"uh, do you like caramel?" he asked lance, who was busy looking up at the chalkboard menus,
"heck yeah i like caramel," he said excitedly, "i'll try the caramel cappuccino with cinnamon on top," he told hunk handing him a ten,
"no, no, on the house," hunk insisted, "first time customers, and good friends don't have to pay. but, keith, pay up," he said gesturing for keith to hand him some money.

"so wait, you have how many brothers and sisters?" keith said giggling like a little kid,
"i've got three brothers, three sisters. isabél is the oldest of all of us, i'm considered a middle child," lance explained finishing his drink, "even if she is 21, we still have the twins in between us plus another one that's nineteen,"
"ok, but who's the youngest?" keith asked, putting his chin in his hands,
"his name is mateo, he's the cutest little eight year old on the planet," lance said, "the poor kid was diagnosed with a rare condition that causes his body to not make enough red and white blood cells, so he gets sick a lot," he explained, looking a little sad. keith finally understood why he was in such a rush to get home, he needed to be with his brother,
"isabél has something similar, she used to get very sick, a lot, they put her in testing for most of her early teens," he said, looking into his empty mug, "besides that our family has been really healthy, i run track, isabél does a crap ton of sports, marco and veronica are extreme swimmers and the other three are still trying to find out what they like," lance said, "now, enough about my family and stuff, what about you?" he asked keith who was enveloped in hearing lance talk, he enjoyed talking to someone.
"oh, well um, my family is really small, uh i played soccer, basketball and lacrosse in high school, now i surf and i live alone," he said shortly taking a quick sip of his drink, trying to hide his blush.
"how come you have such a small family?" lance asked, looking into keith's eyes, keith new he was trying to find his answer somewhere in his deep purple eyes,
"uh, i-i don't really know, i've always thought of my friends as my family," keith stammered, looking down at the floor. he noticed that lance moved closer to him, it was as if lance knew how lonely keith had been and was trying to comfort him. he finally noticed when he put his head on keith's shoulder,
"you're not lonely keith, you have me," lance said quietly, not looking up at keith, but keith knew what kind of expression he had on, a somber one that hinted some sympathy. the two sat there for what seemed like forever. they decided not to break the delicate silence that floated above their heads.

after leaving the cafe with the scent of coffee following them to the small white car that stood out in the grey rain. as the two drive back to isabel's they sat in yet another delicate silence, waiting for one to break it.
"so," keith said awkwardly, "are we a thing now?" he asked nervously,
"if you want to be," lance answered,
"that is so cliché lance," keith said, smiling, "is that how you get all your girlfriends,"
"and boyfriends," added lance, "i'm bi," he said pulling into the driveway of the beach house,
"ooh, interesting," keith said mockingly,
"hey, i'm proud of my sexuality," lance said confidently, opening the door to the house,
"and i've had success in both genders," he bragged,
"not both genders lover boy," isabél butted in after coming down the spiral stair case, "hey keith," she said as she waved to keith,
"haha, funny," lance said trying to fight off an incoming isabél noogie,
"ah, you just know i care about you," she said laughing,
"you're just jealous cause i've had more boyfriends than you," lance shot at his sister,
"i'm very hurt lance," she said, pretending to act offended, "whatever, anyways i'm off to work with pidge and matt on something, i'll be back later tonight,"
"alright, see ya," lance said. after she left, lance and keith sat down on the soft white couch in the living room, keith put his head on lance's chest, feeling it go up and down in a rhythmic pattern.
"we're a thing now aren't we?" keith asked, staring at the blank tv screen in front of them,
"like i said before, only if you want to be," lance replied, at that, keith looked up at him. he stared intensely into the tanner boy's blue eyes and said,
"i want to be together then."

sorry for not updating in a while, i was in myrtle beach and had a writers block that was really bad. anyways, season seven comes out in five days and i'm sooooooooo excited. in honor of season seven i got a small henna tattoo ⬇️ of the voltron symbol

also, if you guys could just recommend this book to your friends and stuff, that would be incredible, and don't forget shout outs!

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also, if you guys could just recommend this book to your friends and stuff, that would be incredible, and don't forget shout outs!

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