Chapter Five

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Hope's POV

I know I was drunk last night but I definitely don't know why I would tell him where I live. I guess I did though, considering I can't even remember staying in his room last night let alone having a conversation with him.

I quickly throw on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and rush to my car. Thankfully I arrive on time for my first class, biology. Professor Anderson lectures us basically throughout the whole period while we a take a few notes and then he gives us our assignment. It's not that bad actually, and he's pretty nice. I don't really know anyone in this class besides Liam though.

"Did you leave the party early?" I ask Liam sitting beside me.

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure I could get home early and study."

"Oh okay," I say

I walk to my second class, literature and sit down in my normal seat next to Sophia. Class goes by faster then I expect. Sophia and I decide to stay home tonight, watch movies, and order food. I drove her to campus today because her car wouldn't start this morning. We hop into my car and I plug my phone in to play my playlist. When Sophia and I arrive at the house we decide to order chinese. It comes in a half hour and we sit down to eat at the kitchen counter.

"So what happened the other night? Louis told me that you and Harry stayed in the same room," she says as she takes a bite of rice.


"Well what happened girl? Spill!"

I explain to her how Harry walked in and told me it was his room, but let me stay anyway.

"I woke up in the middle of the night to him sitting on the edge of the bed. I was having a.. " I sigh. She know's what I'm talking about, there have been many instances where Soph has woken me up from a nightmare.

"and then he started to lean in to kiss me.."

"You kissed one of the hottest guys on campus," she squeals.

"Well not exactly, he pulled away and left."

"Oh." she looks confused.

"I know, he acts so strange around me. He wouldn't let Zayn drive me home."

"That's weird, he makes no sence," she says.

"I know, well anyway lets go watch a movie." I try to change the subject.

Did he not want to kiss me? I mean, did I want to kiss him? Of course I did. Every time I'm near him I get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I get nervous.

Soph plops down next to me on the couch as I search for a movie. We settle for "The Last Song" both never having seen it before. Sophia falls asleep half way in but I stay up watching it. As I'm watching they find out the dad has cancer and won't be with his kids for much longer. I shut it off and walk to my room and sadness rushes through me. I shut my door and lay down on my bed. I grasp the last thing I have from my father, the necklace around my neck.

Ever since my dad passed away three months ago, Ive been depressed. My dad was my everything for seventeen years and he got taken away from me. Fuck life, It's not fair.

I remember when he would make me breakfast every sunday morning and we would watch our favorite shows. He would take me for ice cream as a little girl, he taught me how to ride a bike, everything I did reminded me of him. And he was gone, just like that. Just because someone felt like taking his life.

Tears pour down my face as I try to stop the constant memories running through my head. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and look towards my big bow window. I look up at the moon and force a smile, knowing my dads looking down on me.

I turn to look away but I see a shadow move outside from the corner of my eyes.

All I can see is a dark figure and I'm fucking terrified.

Someone is out there.

A black hood covers the person face, making me unable to even catch a glimpse of them. When it's dark out you really can't see much in my backyard, but when they shifted to crouch down next to a bush I saw them.

A familiar memory comes fresh into my mind.

My heart drops into my stomach.

It's him.

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