Chapter Eleven

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Hope's POV

I hardly got any sleep last night. I was up all night thinking about all of the good memories I have with my mom, debating with myself if I should call her. It hurts so much to know that shes not a part of my life anymore. I stumble out of bed and walk downstairs to have breakfast before I have to get ready for class. I plug my phone in next to the microwave before I check for any text and I have one from Louis, he text me good morning everyday.

"Good morning, Come over after class? Are you okay? Why did you leave the campfire?"

"I'll tell you later. and sure, anyone else coming?"

"The usual and I invited Zayn the other night."

"Okay see you later."

Louis inviting Zayn? Well I guess it makes sence. They both like to party and Louis loves meeting new people. They must have been hanging out while me and Harry were talking at the campfire.

"Morning Soph," I say as she walks into the kitchen. Her brown wavy hair is a knotty mess and she looks exausted.

"I regret staying out so late," she grumbles while holding her head. I laugh and hand her a cup of coffee.

"Want to come with me to Louis's later?" I ask.

"If I stop feeling like shit," she groans. She's not really a morning person and shes in a particularly bad mood today. I choose not to answer her and walk back upstairs to get ready for class. I walk over to the dresser by my window to grab my clothes and notice a small envelope. I open it to see a tiny note.

It reads:

"Hope, I'm sorry if I startled you. I was only trying to help. You won't see me again, I promise. You seeing me, was a huge mistake on my behalf. I'm still trying to figure out why you would ran after me. Please don't do it again. From: Unknown."

I feel sick to my stomach, my privacy has been invaded. He snuck in through my window and that scares the hell out of me. I walk towards my bow window to see if it is unlocked and sure enough it is. How could I have been so stupid not to lock it? Now I want to switch rooms and go to the top floor instead of the bottom. Maybe then that creep will stop stalking me.


I arrive at school and walk into Biology to see a familiar face.

"Zayn, you're in this class now?" I ask while gesturing for him to sit next to me. He looks really good.

"Hope! Hey, Yeah. I was in a course that wasn't for me and decided I wanted to switch to Biology."

"Oh, well I'm happy to see you," I smile genuinly. I am glad to see someone else I know besides Liam, who is now seated on the opposite side of me.

"Will you guys be at Louis tonight?" Zayn asks us.

"Yeah," we both nod before we're interrupted by professor Anderson's voice.

"Good Morning class. Today I will be assigning you lab partners. I believe in working with someone who you may not now very well, it shows good working skills and helps you to be able to adapt to any situation. When I come to your desk pick a name out of my hat," he says while pulling a hat out of his black bag.

He walks through the row in front of me and skips over every other desk. When he reaches my row he skips over me and continues to the person behind me.

Liam picks next and he reaches in and picks out a name. "Um, I picked myself," he says while waving the paper around to get Professor Anderson's attention. He doesn't see Liam so Liam gets up and walks over to him. He takes it upon himself to put his name back into the hat and pick a new one. He looks over at me annoyed and I laugh. "I got derek," he mouths while walking back to his seat. Derek seems nice enough, I've never really spoken with him and I don't think Liam has either.

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