47 7 17

Hey, hello, wassup, hola, bonjour, eyyyy, ello....

Spoilers for The Burning Maze....

You should watch the Office.... This us random.  Just keep scrolling....



Ok, now that I'm done dying... For now.
So, I made a little AU where Piper went insane after Jason died... I mean,  she did break up with him.....
Piper, you piece of sh--
So, I made a little story for it and made a drawing. So.... Yeep.

Close your windows and lock the doors, there's a new killer in town

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Close your windows and lock the doors, there's a new killer in town. A chain of murders broke lose Tuesday night in Long Island, California. 17 year old Isabelle Ricci was the first body found. Her parents, Elena and John Ricci, as well as her boyfriend, Jason Hurtubise, are all devastated. The second body was of Grace and Jason Westlake, two twins of 18.

Six unidentified bodies were found near the other two. But all eight victims share something in common. A mark left on them by their killer. Phrases, such as "Love is dead", and "it's all over now", were sliced into their corpses. Yes, folks, the scene is bloody. The local police and S.W.A.T team are on the investigation, but they don't seem to be picking up any leads. This killer sure is a master, but is she really good enough? That's right, I said 'she.'

A witness with the name of Amelia Smith noted what she saw. A teenage female with dark skin, brown hair, and weird eyes.

In an interview, Miss Smith elaborated on that.

"The girl looked angry..." Smith had said. "But at the same time, scared. Like she was missing something and searching frantically to find it."

If eight people were killed in just a single night, than I truly fear for America.

Always watch your back,
Signing out, Avery Marshall.

Ah, random name generators. Man's best friend.

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