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nico slowly opened his eyes and sat up. it was pitch black outside. he pulled his phone out of his pocket. it was 9 at night and he had 17 missed calls and 26 texts from taylor.

he ordered an uber and stood up. he looked around one more time and sighed. then he walked down the stairs and went to the street where the uber would meet him

he thanked the driver and shut the door. he put his hands in his pockets and walked into the building. he headed to the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor button. the doors opened and he walked to his apartment. he pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

once he was in he kicked his shoes off and headed to the living room. he plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes.

he heard a door open and close. "nico?! is that you?" a worried taylor asked. nico lifted his head and replied, "yeah it's me. i know i was supposed to be home like an hour ago but i lost track of time"

"i was just worried. i thought something happened to you. where did you go?" taylor asked. "i went to the treehouse" nico looked down. "oh. you okay?" taylor asked. "uh i guess i am. it was still the exact same" nico said. taylor nodded his head.

"i fell asleep twice when i was there. i had a dream the first time and raelynn was there and, she was yelling at me telling me it was my fault she was gone. she said that if i had just told her how i felt that none of it would have happened. she never would have met max and nothing bad would've happened. do you think it was my fault?" nico cried out. "no no no! not at all. it was certainly not your fault nico. don't ever think that way. it wasn't your fault or raelynn's fault"

"i just feel like everything has changed. nothing's the same. raelynn's gone. forever. and there is nothing, nothing that we can do to bring her back. and i have been in so much pain lately. i'm hurting so bad" nico sobbed. "i don't even know what to do anymore. i miss her so much and i feel like this pain will never go away and this emptiness that i feel will never be filled" nico wiped his tears.

"it's okay. take a few deep breaths. you're okay" taylor rubbed nico's back. nico took deep breaths and calmed down.

"i miss her a lot too. okay? everyone does. miles misses her just as much as me. you miss her the most because you loved her. you loved her in a way nobody else could. you're in pain now and that's understandable. you're grieving, that's normal.

the pain might not go away since you'll always miss her. but over time it will subside and you won't feel it as much. and the emptiness that you feel will be filled.

you'll be happy and you'll be in love again. you'll meet someone new and you'll love them just as much as you loved raelynn. i know you don't want to think about loving another but you will end up loving someone. and we both know raelynn wouldn't be mad at you for loving another.

because all she ever wanted was happiness and love. you gave her her happiness in her last days. and you loved her.

she wanted you to be happy and loved too. and i'm sure she's watching over us right now. in the future she'll still be watching over you and she'd be happy to know that you've moved on and are loving someone else. you are gonna be okay nico. you are. just give it some time. now get some rest" taylor stood up and helped his friend get into bed. nico was under the covers and already closing his eyes. taylor sighed and left his room.

would she be happy if i found love again? was nico's last thought before he drifted off to sleep.

lovely ↠ nico hischier✔️Where stories live. Discover now